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This module requires stdlib for validate_re support.


# Authentication, Authorization and Access Control

Definitions related to the apache authentication should always be in the form :


To be consistent with the three types of Apache modules involved in the 
authentication and authorization process :

The main advantages of this new way to manage authentication are the possibility 
of sharing resources between virtual hosts and access restrictions

## Simple Basic File Authentication ##


1. create one or more users :

   apache::auth::htpasswd {"user1 in /a/path/htpasswd":
    ensure => present,
    user_file_location => "/srv/a/path",
    user_file_name => "htpasswd",
    username => "user1",
    clearPassword => "user1", # use encryption in definition

  apache::auth::htpasswd {"user2 in /var/www/":
    ensure => present,
    vhost => ""
    username => "user2",
    crypt_password => 'kdrY191UyPY3E', # (htpasswd -ndb user2 user2)
2. create one or more groups :

  apache::auth::htgroup {"group1 in /var/www/":
    ensure => present,
    groupname => "group1",
    members => "user1 user2",

3. restrict access to a location with these users our groups

  apache::auth::basic::file::group {"group1-webdav1":
    vhost => "",
    location => "/webdav1",
    groups => "group1",

  apache::auth::basic::file::user {"user1-on-webdav2":
    vhost => "",
    location => "/webdav2",
    auth_user_file => "/srv/dav0/htpasswd",
    users => "user1", # it not defined -> 'valid-user'

## Basic LDAP Authentication ##


apache::auth::basic::ldap {"collectd":
  vhost => $fqdn,
  location => "/collection3",
  auth_ldap_url => 'ldap://',
  auth_ldap_group_attribute => "memberUid",
  auth_ldap_group_attribute_is_dn => "off",
  authz_require => "ldap-group ou=foo,ou=bar,o=entreprises,c=ch",