Reads FHIR bundles from Kafka, encodes them using the Pathling encoders, and stores them as Delta Lake tables.
The compose.yaml contains the development fixtures required to run the program out-of-the-box:
- Apache Kafka (Exposed on <>)
- Kafbat - an Apache Kafka UI (Exposed on <>)
- MinIO (Exposed on <> and <> for the UI)
- mock-data-loader: used to pre-load Kafka with sample FHIR bundles
start all services using
docker compose up
and the program itself using
python src/
pytest --cov=src tests/unit/
Currently, running these tests outside of the CI requires some manual effort:
kind create cluster --config=tests/integration/kind-config.yaml
helm dep up tests/integration/fixtures/
helm upgrade --install --wait fixtures tests/integration/fixtures/
helm upgrade --install --wait --set "stream-processors.enabled=true" --set "stream-processors.processors.fhir-to-delta.container.image.tag=test" fixtures tests/integration/fixtures/
To run the integration tests
pytest tests/integration
To check the table counts
duckdb -no-stdin -init tests/integration/check-counts.sql