Sandbox for writing shaders, exploring new interaction patterns in VR, optimizing performance and workflow.
- Desktop
- Mobile
- Cardboard
- GearVR
- HTC Vive
- Oculus Touch
- Daydream
link (soon)
General cleanup/refactor
Refactor webpack dev/production code
Notification for controller not detected (GearVR + Vive)
Add Intro screen
Pre-Loader for assets
Add texture and shadows to the floor 6dof
All objects are Audio targets
Include basic GearVR Gamepad controller
Compass 2D/dekstop version with svg and css rotations
SVG/2D implementation is very shakey
Add Vive Controllers
Setup ControlsManager
Setup InterfaceManager aka Compass
Rethink Label 2D compass
Build event sniffer for not creating duplicates (would be resolved by making touch == crosshair controls).
Make TouchControls based on CrosshairControls like GearVRControls?
Move PixiJS texture to custom shader rather than using MeshBasicMaterial (Didn't work first try)
Create all labels beforehand and not during runtime.
Canvas texture drops FPS significantly. (replaced by custom shader)