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Clojars Project CircleCI

A Clojure library designed to parse the CCTray XML format into a user friendly clojure map.


(ns your-app.whatever
  (:require [clj-cctray.core :as :parser]))

; some-source can be a File, InputStream or String naming a URI

(parser/get-projects some-source)

; or with options

(parser/get-projects some-source {:some-option "the-value"})


Options are a map of keywords with values that can be passed to modify the returned project map list in some way or set global library settings.

Most options will require the value to be in a specific format and checks are not performed, this is your responsibility. Failure to set the value correctly will most likely result in an exception being thrown.

  • :server A keyword representing the CI server the xml is coming from to allow any server specific parsing. Currently the only values that trigger specific parsing are :go, :circle and :concourse any other values will result in this option being ignored.

  • :normalise This will cause the given map keys (if they exist) to be normalised (see below for more details about normalisation). Can take a collection of keys to normalise or a truthy value to normalise the following :name, :stage, :job and :owner.

  • :print-dates This causes the next and last build times to be printed out as strings instead of being returned as Instant objects. Can take a string specifying a format to use or a truthy value to default to the ISO format. A complete list of format patterns can be found in the DateTimeFormatter javadocs

Map keys

  • :name The name of the project.

  • :activity The current state of the project as a keyword. Either :sleeping, :building or :checking-modifications.

  • :last-build-status A brief description of the last build as a keyword. Either :success, :failure, :error, :exception or :unknown.

  • :last-build-label The build label exactly as it appeared in the xml file.

  • :last-build-time When the last build occurred as an Instant object.

  • next-build-time When the next build is scheduled to occur (or when the next check to see whether a build should be performed is scheduled to occur) as an Instant object.

  • :web-url A URL for where more detail can be found about this project exactly as it appeared in the xml file.

  • :prognosis The derived health of the project based on the activity and last build status as a keyword. Either :sick-building, :sick, :healthy, :healthy-building or :unknown

  • :messages A seq of messages as strings that exist for this project or an empty seq if there are no messages.

If :normalise is used as an option then for any key that has been normalised an :unnormalised- key will be added that contains the original unnormalised value. For example if :name was normalised an :unnormalised-name key would exist.

If :go is used as the :server option then the following keys will also be added:

  • :stage The projects stage name.

  • :job The projects job name.

If :circle is used as the :server option then the following keys will also be added:

  • :owner The name of the project owner, this is the Github user or organisation name.

If :concourse is used as the :server option then the following keys will also be added:

  • :job The pipelines job name.

Normalised strings

Normalised strings are lower case and "sentenceized" which means camel, snake, kebab and dot cased words are converted to normal sentences with spaces. The following exceptions apply to the splitting rules:

  1. Multiple uppercased letters in a row
  2. Digits separated by dots

This is in an attempt to keep acronyms/initialisms and version numbers from getting split.

CamelCased_SNAKE-kebab.dot_JSON-1.2.3 => camel cased snake kebab dot json 1.2.3

Local files and remote files can be read

By default, you can load local files on your disk and remote files over http or https. If you are using clj-cctray on a webserver then we recommend you ensure only http[s] urls are being parsed or you load the url yourself and just pass an InputStream to clj-cctray.


clj-cctray is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars

Note: v1.0.1 is broken on Clojars, see issue #22 for more details.


clj-cctray has primarily been developed from XML generated by the Go CI server, so please help us by raising issues if it doesn't work correctly with other servers.

CC Tray XML Spec


API docs

The complete API docs can be found here:


If you would like to add a feature/fix a bug for us please create a pull request. Be sure to include or update any tests if you want your pull request accepted.

You can run linting and tests using ./ pre-push.


Copyright © 2014 - 2021 Build Canaries

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.