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projects I have done in 42

Name Description Achievements
C Modules Learnt the basics of shell and C with basic modules Introduction to CS
Libft A reimplementation attempt for numerous built-in functions from various C Libraries Makefile, User-Defined Libraries, Data Structures
Ft_printf Rewriting the famous printf function Variadic Functions, Basic Algorithm
Get_next_line Writing a function that reads from a file line by line File Descriptors, Static Variables
Born2BeRoot Install Debian on a Virtual Machine Linux, Bash Commands, VMs
Minitalk A program to communicate between terminals using signals UNIX Signals, Bit Manipulation
Push_swap Sorting two stacks with a sorting algorithm of choice, I used Radix Sorting Algorithms, Radix, Efficiency, Big(o) notations
So_long Creating a 2D Game MinilibX: Graphical Library
Philosophers Solving a philosophy question using threads Threads, Processes, Mutexes, Semaphors
Minishell Simulating Bash language to interact with your terminal, complicated af Bash, FDs, Redirections
Cub3D Creating a 3D Game with a graphical library Ray Casting, Mapping
C++ Modules Learn the fundamentals of OOP with C++ OOP


42 c/cpp projects






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