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Releases: bryal/Helion


03 May 11:41
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What's new

  • Improve safety and simplicity by copying frame data instead of sharing it with dxgcap through raw pointer. This has a negligeble impact on performance.
  • Use Rust library dxgcap for capturing instead of C++ lib DXGCap. This makes interfacing with the code easier, and removes need for building DXGCap separately as dll.
  • Use Rust library se-rs-ial for writing of serial data. This again removes need for building separate dll. Also, se-rs-ial is cross platform.
  • Remove use of an unstable feature in preparation for making the project buildable with rust beta.


20 Feb 22:24
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What's new

  • Writing of serial data happens on own thread for small boost in performance
  • Smoothing of LED colors. Useful to prevent choppyness when capturing screen with low framerate.
  • Don't use high timeout and wait for frame capture when there are no new frames. Instead, skip capturing so as to update LEDs for smoothing.
  • Separation of screen capture logic into own module
  • Binary release built with "--release"!!! Forgot this in previous releases, but this gives incredible boost in performance.


11 Feb 21:26
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What's new

  • Lots of settings are now read from config. Frame limit, serial port, color transformations, etc.
  • RGB color transformations as well as HSV gain transformations

It's alive!

09 Feb 21:21
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It's alive! Pre-release

First working build that does what it's supposed to do. Very little features, however. No color modification, hard coded frame cap, no smooth transitioning, but it works!