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Deyan Ginev edited this page May 14, 2019 · 5 revisions

Try LaTeXML online

You can try LaTeXML online here (you can "select examples" at the bottom left)


Using latexmlc

The latexmlc executable provides a combined interface for both core and post processing, with the largest set of supported options.

  1. LaTeX document to HTML page

    latexmlc paper.tex --dest=page.html
  2. LaTeX document to embeddable HTML fragment

    latexmlc paper.tex --dest=fragment.html --whatsout=fragment
  3. LaTeX fragment to embeddable HTML fragment

    latexmlc fragment.tex --dest=fragment.html --whatsin=fragment --whatsout=fragment
  4. Web service optimized LaTeX fragment to embeddable HTML fragment

    latexmlc 'literal:some \textit{fragment} here' --profile=fragment-html

    The fragment-html profile specifies a range of common LaTeX packages to preload, uses a 2 minute timeout and provides all supported textual math representations - presentation and content MathML, as well as the original TeX formula source.

  5. LaTeX formula to an annotated MathML expression

    latexmlc 'literal:\sqrt{x}' --whatsin=math --whatsout=math --pmml --cmml --mathtex
    • LaTeX formula to a MathML expression with a linguistics-motivated "math lexemes" annotation
    latexmlc 'literal:\sqrt{x}' --whatsin=math --whatsout=math --pmml --cmml --mathlex --preload=llamapun.sty
  6. Web service optimized LaTeX formula to MathML output

    latexmlc 'literal:\sqrt{x}' --profile=math

    The math profile preloads common LaTeX packages used for mathematical expressions and outputs an annotated MathML equation

  7. LaTeX document to HTML page with activated MathJaX rendering

    latexmlc paper.tex --dest=page.html --javascript=LaTeXML-maybeMathJax.js

    The LaTeXML-maybeMathJax.js script loads MathJax for browsers without native MathML support, as a fallback rendering solution.

  8. Preserve math source as-is, without parsing in LaTeXML

    latexmlc paper.tex --dest=page.html --noparse --mathtex

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