Selenide Integration with BrowserStack.
- Clone the repo
- Install dependencies
mvn compile
- Update
files at the root directory with your BrowserStack Username and Access Key
- To run a parallel tests, run
mvn test -P sample-test
- To run local tests, run
mvn test -P sample-local-test
- To run a full suite of tests with Cross-browser Testing, run
mvn test -P suite
Understand how many parallel sessions you need by using our Parallel Test Calculator
- If using Gradle, Java v9+ is required.
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies
gradle build
- Update
files at the root directory with your BrowserStack Username and Access Key
- To run the test suite having cross-platform with parallelization, run
gradle sampleTest
- To run local tests, run
gradle sampleLocalTest
Understand how many parallel sessions you need by using our Parallel Test Calculator
This repository uses the BrowserStack SDK to run tests on BrowserStack. Follow the steps below to install the SDK in your test suite and run tests on BrowserStack:
Following are the changes required in
-- Add
implementation 'com.browserstack:browserstack-java-sdk:latest.release'
in dependencies - Fetch Artifact Information and add
property in tasks SampleTest and SampleLocalTest :
def browserstackSDKArtifact = configurations.compileClasspath.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.find { == 'browserstack-java-sdk' } task sampleTest(type: Test) { useTestNG() { dependsOn cleanTest useDefaultListeners = true suites "config/sample.testng.xml" jvmArgs "-javaagent:${browserstackSDKArtifact.file}" } }
- Add
Install dependencies
gradle build
You can view your test results on the BrowserStack Automate dashboard
To test on a different set of browsers, check out our platform configurator
You can export the environment variables for the Username and Access Key of your BrowserStack account
export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<browserstack-username> && export BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<browserstack-access-key>