Example End-to-End Data Pipeline with Apache Spark from Data Analysis to Data Product
As an e-commerce company, we would like to recommend products that users may like in order to increase sales and profit.
The notebooks are accessible at http://brkyvz.github.io/spark-pipeline.
Right now, only Scala examples are available.
This example pipeline shows steps on how to start with analyzing your data, training a machine learning model, and then monitoring the health of your web service using Spark.
Step 1: We will first start out by analyzing our data. If you don't have a dataset readily available, feel free to use the movielens dataset provided with Spark. You may use the code available under step-0/movielens.scala for this purpose.
Step 2: We will train a recommender system using Spark ML's ALS algorithm. We will use cross-validation to pick the best hyper-parameters and then make predictions on a test dataset. The model then can be exported to a database, such as Cassandra, for interactive querying through a Web Service.
Step 3: We will monitor the response times of our web services using Spark Streaming and send notifications when we come across an anomalous web service.
Feel free to submit comments, issues using the issues section. Source code contributions for other languages, (python, java) are welcome!