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Demonstration of containerized FastAPI with PostgreSQL and Redis


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Demonstration of containerized FastAPI with PostgreSQL and Redis


This code is verified working in Ubuntu and with some compatability turned on, Mac. Newer Mac Computers may need to turn on legacy compatability settings.

  • Clone this repo
  • Ensure docker compose is installed
  • Ensure Poetry is available at system level environment via pip install poetry
  • chmod +x
  • run to auto-generate a .env in the top level directory and a .test.env in the /backend directory
  • docker compose up
  • From local dev host, run the following to initialize to setup local Poetry virtual environment and postgres testing table:
    • In /backend directory: poetry shell and poetry install
    • In activated virtual environment: alembic upgrade head
    • Verify everything is working by running pytest

The following is a list of service:localhost_url mappings available during development:

Developer Getting Started

See development live reload instructions from FastAPI for info for using this containerization in prod or dev.

See this blog and corresponding git repo for a nice step-by-step with FastAPI and docker.

Build the FastAPI backend container

  • Open terminal in the /fastapi_demo/backend/ folder
  • DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t demo_api_image .
  • To build from compose with terminal in project root: DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose up --build

STRONGLY RECOMMEND: Update your git settings so it doesn't auto-convert to windows line endings when pulling onto a windows box:

git config --global core.autocrlf false

Run docker compose as dev or prod

  • MOST LIKELY you'll want to run using docker compose which orchestrated multiple containers (FastAPI, Postgres, [todo] React) instead of the API container by itself.
    • Run "live" dev: docker compose up
    • Run prod: docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
    • docker compose down to shutdown the orchestrated containers.
  • Go to [ip:port for dev] to see the automatic interactive API documentation (provided by Swagger UI).
  • Go to [ip:port for dev] to see the alternative automatic documentation (provided by ReDoc)
  • Open terminal in API container: docker exec -ti demo-api-dev /bin/bash
    • exit to exit the session.
  • Open psql session in DB container: docker exec -ti demo-db psql -h localhost -U demo --dbname=demo
    • \q to exit the session.
    • \d to list tables.
    • TABLE <tablename>; to list table contents.

Troubleshooting Postgres container authentication

  • The Postgres container will grab default settings from a .env file which can be auto-generated with the script.
  • It's necessary to prune both containers and volumes related to postgres to easily reset the initial settings.
  • You'll know you adequately reset the postgres container build to grab new settings if you see CREATE DATABASE and extraordinarily long output generated when starting the container.


Docker compose 2 looks for docker-compose.yml to begin orchestration. However, it then also looks at docker-compose.override.yml to, you guessed it, override some settings from the based configuration.

docker-compose.override.yml is the 'dev' settings enabling hot reload via and mounting the local \backend\demo directory to the container's \backend\demo directory. directly runs a single uvicorn worker with hot reload enabled. forgoes that local file system mounting (only use what's in the demo-api image) and instead runs runs Gunicorn which spawns n uvicorn workers where n is the number of cores on the server.

Only run the FastAPI container

Using a terminal inside the /backend folder...

  • Run "live" dev: docker run -d --name demo_api_dev -p 80:80 -v $(pwd):/app demo_api_image /
  • Run prod: docker run -d --name demo_api_prod -p 80:80 demo_api_image

NOTE: To stop the server (e.g. to swap from dev to prod): docker stop <container name>

NOTE: To re-run (container already exists): docker start <container name>

NOTE: If the container already exists and you need to update: docker rm -f <container-id>

Combine FastAPI backend container with Postgresql using Docker Compose

Enabling BuildKit will help ensure pip isn't constantly downloading the same packages over and over again.

  • Caching pip with BuildKit:

  • In your dev environment, be sure BuildKit is active using an environment variable: export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1

  • See the tutorial here for a thorough walkthough of a containerized webapp using FastAPI, Postgres, and React.

  • docker compose up -d --build --remove-orphans

  • docker compose up

Docker Tips

  • Remove 'everything' in Docker (images, etc.): docker system prune -a
  • Remove all containers: docker container prune
  • Remove all volumes: docker volume prune
  • Remove all 'dangling' images: docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
  • List containers: docker container ps --all
  • Stop container: docker stop <container-id>
  • Delete stopped container: docker rm <container-id>
  • List images: docker images
  • Delete image: docker image rm <image-id>

Running REST FastAPI server tests

  • docker ps to see containers
  • docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] bash to get terminal in API container
  • pytest -v in container bash session from the /app directory (config files will cause failure from another dir)
  • Coverage + pytest: coverage run -m pytest -v && coverage report --show-missing

Publishing images to GitLab

  • See this page for documentation.
  • Look for the "CLI Commands" button in top right corner of project's Packages & registries menu.
  • docker login
    • Use a personal access token for your password
  • Use a URL style tag for the image then build it.
    • docker build -t<user or group>/<project name>/<image_name> .
  • Use the URL style tag to then push to the container registry.
    • docker push<user or group>/<project name>/demo-api

Pytest tips

  • Run a specific test:
    • pytest tests/db/ -k "test_db_metadata" -vv

Alembic tips

  • Execute an autogenerate revision
    • alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added table XYZ"
    • Look in alembic > versions for the revision and validate/update as needed.
    • Implement the revision with alembic upgrade head


Demonstration of containerized FastAPI with PostgreSQL and Redis







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