Learn how to use @bsf/force-ui components to quickly and easily create elegant and flexible pages using Tailwind CSS.
@bsf/force-ui is working with Tailwind CSS classes and you need to have Tailwind CSS installed on your project - Tailwind CSS Installation.
- Install
Force UI library can be installed using npm package manager. Since this library is still in it's alpha phase, we need to use the staging branch.
Using Force UI as a dependency in package.json -
"dependencies": {
"@bsf/force-ui": "git+https://github.com/brainstormforce/force-ui#1.4.2"
And run the following command to install the package -
npm install
Or you can directly run the following command to install the package -
npm i -S @bsf/force-ui@git+https://github.com/brainstormforce/force-ui.git#1.4.2
- Once you install @bsf/force-ui you need to wrap your tailwind css configurations with the
function coming from @bsf/force-ui/withTW.
const withTW = require( '@bsf/force-ui/withTW' );
module.exports = withTW( {
content: [ './src/**/*.{js, jsx}' ],
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
'button-primary': '#6B21A8',
'button-primary-hover': '#7E22CE',
'brand-800': '#6B21A8',
'brand-50': '#FAF5FF',
'border-interactive': '#6B21A8',
focus: '#9333EA',
'focus-border': '#D8B4FE',
'toggle-on': '#6B21A8',
'toggle-on-border': '#C084FC',
'toggle-on-hover': '#A855F7',
fontSize: {
xxs: '0.6875rem', // 11px
lineHeight: {
2.6: '0.6875rem', // 11px
boxShadow: {
'0px 1px 1px 0px #0000000F, 0px 1px 2px 0px #0000001A',
plugins: [],
corePlugins: {
preflight: false,
important: '.surerank-styles',
} );
- @bsf/force-ui comes with a default tailwind theme settings that set's the default theme/styles for components or to provide your own theme/styles to your components. You can override these give below variables in your tailwind.config.js file.
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
// brand
'brand-background-50': '#EFF6FF',
'brand-background-hover-100': '#DBEAFE',
'brand-200': '#BFDBFE',
'brand-border-300': '#93C5FD',
'brand-400': '#60A5FA',
'brand-500': '#3B82F6',
'brand-primary-600': '#2563EB',
'brand-hover-700': '#1D4ED8',
'brand-800': '#1E40AF',
'brand-900': '#1E3A8A',
'brand-text-950': '#172554',
// background
'background-primary': '#FFFFFF',
'background-secondary': '#F3F4F6',
'background-inverse': '#111827',
'background-brand': '#2563EB',
'background-important': '#DC2626',
// field
'field-primary-background': '#F9FAFB',
'field-secondary-background': '#FFFFFF',
'field-primary-hover': '#F3F4F6',
'field-secondary-hover': '#F3F4F6',
'field-dropzone-background': '#FFFFFF',
'field-border': '#E5E7EB',
'field-dropzone-background-hover': '#F9FAFB',
'field-dropzone-color': '#2563EB',
'field-label': '#111827',
'field-input': '#111827',
'field-helper': '#9CA3AF',
'field-background-disabled': '#F9FAFB',
'field-color-disabled': '#D1D5DB',
'field-placeholder': '#6B7280',
'field-border-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
'field-color-error': '#DC2626',
'field-border-error': '#FECACA',
'field-background-error': '#FEF2F2',
'field-required': '#DC2626',
// border
'border-interactive': '#2563EB',
'border-subtle': '#E5E7EB',
'border-strong': '#6B7280',
'border-inverse': '#374151',
'border-disabled': '#E5E7EB',
'border-muted': '#E5E7EB',
'border-error': '#DC2626',
'border-transparent-subtle': '#37415114',
'border-white': '#FFFFFF',
// text
'text-primary': '#111827',
'text-secondary': '#4B5563',
'text-tertiary': '#9CA3AF',
'text-on-color': '#FFFFFF',
'text-error': '#DC2626',
'text-error-inverse': '#F87171',
'text-inverse': '#FFFFFF',
'text-disabled': '#D1D5DB',
'text-on-button-disabled': '#9CA3AF',
// link
'link-primary': '#2563EB',
'link-primary-hover': '#1D4ED8',
'link-inverse': '#38BDF8',
'link-visited': '#7C3AED',
'link-visited-inverse': '#A78BFA',
'link-inverse-hover': '#7DD3FC',
// icon
'icon-primary': '#111827',
'icon-secondary': '#4B5563',
'icon-on-color': '#FFFFFF',
'icon-inverse': '#FFFFFF',
'icon-interactive': '#2563EB',
'icon-on-color-disabled': '#9CA3AF',
'icon-disabled': '#D1D5DB',
// support
'support-error': '#DC2626',
'support-success': '#16A34A',
'support-warning': '#EAB308',
'support-info': '#0284C7',
'support-error-inverse': '#F87171',
'support-success-inverse': '#4ADE80',
'support-warning-inverse': '#FDE047',
'support-info-inverse': '#38BDF8',
// button
'button-primary': '#2563EB',
'button-primary-hover': '#1D4ED8',
'button-secondary': '#1F2937',
'button-secondary-hover': '#374151',
'button-tertiary': '#FFFFFF',
'button-tertiary-hover': '#F9FAFB',
'button-danger': '#DC2626',
'button-danger-secondary': '#DC2626',
'button-danger-hover': '#B91C1C',
'button-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
'button-tertiary-border': '#E5E7EB',
'button-tertiary-color': '#111827',
// focus
focus: '#2563EB',
'focus-inset': '#FFFFFF',
'focus-inverse': '#38BDF8',
'focus-inverse-inset': '#111827',
'focus-error': '#DC2626',
'focus-border': '#BFDBFE',
'focus-error-border': '#FECACA',
// misc
'misc-highlight': '#BFDBFE',
'misc-overlay': '#11182780',
'misc-skeleton-background': '#F3F4F6',
'misc-skeleton-element': '#D1D5DB',
'misc-popup-button-hover': '#1118270D',
'misc-tab-item-hover': '#E5E7EB',
'misc-dropdown-hover': '#F3F4F6',
'misc-loader-base': '#1118270D',
'misc-loader-color': '#2563EB',
'misc-progress-background': '#E5E7EB',
// badge
'badge-background-gray': '#F9FAFB',
'badge-color-gray': '#1F2937',
'badge-hover-gray': '#F3F4F6',
'badge-border-gray': '#E5E7EB',
'badge-background-red': '#FEF2F2',
'badge-color-red': '#B91C1C',
'badge-hover-red': '#FEE2E2',
'badge-border-red': '#FECACA',
'badge-background-yellow': '#FEFCE8',
'badge-color-yellow': '#A16207',
'badge-hover-yellow': '#FEF9C3',
'badge-border-yellow': '#FEF08A',
'badge-hover-green': '#DCFCE7',
'badge-border-green': '#BBF7D0',
'badge-background-green': '#F0FDF4',
'badge-color-green': '#15803D',
'badge-background-sky': '#F0F9FF',
'badge-color-sky': '#0369A1',
'badge-hover-sky': '#E0F2FE',
'badge-border-sky': '#BAE6FD',
'badge-background-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
'badge-color-disabled': '#D1D5DB',
'badge-hover-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
'badge-border-disabled': '#E5E7EB',
'badge-background-important': '#DC2626',
// alert
'alert-background-neutral': '#FFFFFF',
'alert-border-neutral': '#E5E7EB',
'alert-background-danger': '#FEF2F2',
'alert-border-danger': '#FECACA',
'alert-background-warning': '#FEFCE8',
'alert-border-warning': '#FEF08A',
'alert-background-green': '#F0FDF4',
'alert-border-green': '#BBF7D0',
'alert-background-info': '#F0F9FF',
'alert-border-info': '#BAE6FD',
// tab
'tab-background': '#F3F4F6',
'tab-border': '#E5E7EB',
// tooltip
'tooltip-background-light': '#FFFFFF',
'tooltip-background-dark': '#111827',
// toggle
'toggle-off': '#E5E7EB',
'toggle-on': '#2563EB',
'toggle-dial-background': '#FFFFFF',
'toggle-off-hover': '#D1D5DB',
'toggle-off-border': '#D1D5DB',
'toggle-on-hover': '#3B82F6',
'toggle-on-border': '#60A5FA',
'toggle-off-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
width: {
'1/7': '14.2857143%',
'1/8': '12.5%',
'1/9': '11.1111111%',
'1/10': '10%',
'1/11': '9.0909091%',
'1/12': '8.3333333%',
boxShadow: {
'0px 6px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.12)',
'soft-shadow': '0px 8px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.16)',
'0px 10px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.2)',
'0px 12px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.24)',
'0px 16px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.32)',
'0px 24px 64px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.32)',
'soft-shadow-inner': '0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
fontSize: {
tiny: '0.625rem',
spacing: {
120: '30rem', // 480px
95: '23.75rem', // 380px
141.5: '35.375rem', // 566px
188: '47rem', // 752px
zIndex: {
999999: '999999',
- Great 🥳, now you're ready to use @bsf/force-ui.
import { Button } from "@bsf/force-ui";
export default function Example() {
return <Button>My Button</Button>;
Visit https://github.com/brainstormforce/force-ui/wiki for full documentation.
Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md