A continually updated list of great educational programming resources.
- Git Book - Complete Git manual.
- Git Ref - Git Reference Guide
- Github Guides - Fantastic set of guides from Github outlining some of the more essential Git and Github functionalities.
- Git Cheatsheet - Good cheatsheet for basic and advanced git functions.
- Try Git - similar to jsFiddle, this is an interactive site that lets you test-drive Git from a virtual terminal.
- Git User's Manual - Git User Manual (for versions 1.5.3 or newer)
- Github Youtube Channel - pretty frequent updates, solid material.
- The Simple Git Guide - Straightforward beginners guide for git.
- Git Tutorials and Guides - Git tutorials and guides from Atlassian.
- Using Git to manage a website - Good walkthrough for using the advanced functionalities of Git to manage a website.
- Git-FTP - Guide for syncing up
git push
to automatically ftp new files to remote server. - Conceptualizing Git using D3 - Visualizes core Git concepts as you type them. GREAT tool, I wish I had found this when I was learning.
- Git Videos - Video tutorials for learning Git.
- The Fringes of Git - Podcast on the far reaches of Git functionality.
- Github Resources - Full list of Git training resources from Github.com.
- Version Control: Best Practices - Great blog article on the right way to use version control.
- Configuring a global .gitignore file - shows you how to set a global .gitignore file so that you don't have to worry about excluding things like .DS_Store from every project each time.
- Hub - Command-line wrapper for Github and an AWESOME tool. Allows you to browse issues, wikis, fork repos, and send pull requests, all from the command line.
- Git-Flow - A set of git extensions that were developed specifically to assist with the master/dev/feature git workflow we use. (also, a video)
- Git & Github Secrets - Exactly what the title says. Includes some really awesome shortcuts.
- Git-up - Fetches and rebases all locally-tracked branches. Great alternative to
git pull -f
. - Git-imerge - Performs an incremental merge between branches.
- Git-sweep - Safely remove remote branches that have been merged into master.
- Git-jk - Utility that allows you to undo your most recent git command, or gives you instructions on how to undo it. (clever name! get it?)
- Daring Fireball: Markdown - A syntax guide written by the creator of Markdown.
- MKDocs - static site generator based on Markdown.
- Python - Homepage for the Python programming language.
- Django Tutorial - Walkthrough for creating your first Django app.
- Python API - List of python wrappers for the most popular APIs on the web.
- Economic Marketplace - great econ experiment for simulating a real-world marketplace using Python.
- Python & Mapping - great guide for using python to make maps.
- Python for Big Data - Interesting guide for metaprogramming python for use in big data scenarios.
- SciPy Data Structures - Presentation on data structures in the popular SciPy package for Python.
- Getting Started with Django - Beginner's guide to the Django web framework.
- GIF maker - Creating GIFs from movies using Python.
- Python & Web Scraping - Guide for writing web scrapers in python.
- DateParser - Python parser for human readable dates.
- Django Best Practices - Incredibly useful guide for deploying Django apps.
- The Go Programming Language - Homepage for the Go Programming Language
- Learn Go in Y Minutes - Good quickstart guide for learning Go
- Go by Example - Good examples of various uses of Go
- Function Calls in Go - An explanation of function calls in Go.
- Gocasts - Screencasts for quickly learning Go.
- Objects in Go - Walkthrough of object-oriented design in Go.
- Go Getter - Interesting article that does an in-depth performance comparison between C and Go.
- Go Testing Toolbox - Suite of resources for performing various tests in Go.
- Ginko and Gomega - BDD-style testing for Go.
- Go Proxy Servers - Guide for using Go to create a proxy server.
- JQuery Learning Center - Great guide for getting started with JQuery, and Javascript in general.
- jsFiddle - jsFiddle is a way to write, test, and share code snippets of Javascript.
- JQuery Plugin Library - List of Helpful JQuery plugins that can be used in Spotfire 6.
- Easing Functions - Helpful javascript library for visualizing easing functions.
- Rainyday.js - Useless, but fun! Pretty cool way to make your screen appear as though it is being rained on.
- 10 Handy Javascript libraries - Directory of 10 Javascript libraries.
- CreditCard.js - Simple library for creating easy-to-use credit card forms.
- Dynamic JS Libraries - Javascript libraries for dynamic websites.
- StickyJS - JQuery plugin for creating sticky elements that do not scroll with the page.
- JQuery & XMLs - Guide for using JQuery to retrieve data from XMLs.
- PNotify - A great js library for creating notifications. Designed specifically to work with Bootstrap and JQueryUI.
- cdnjs.com - A massive list of cdn sources for some of the most popular javascript and css libraries today.
- Node.js - Project homepage for Node.js
- Node.js for Beginners - An absolute beginner's guide to Node.js
- Node & Front-End Design - Good article on how Node affects front-end development and design.
- Nodecasts - Free screencasts for learning Node.
- Nodetuts - Videos for learning Node.
- AllTheNodes - Another site hosting screencasts for Node.
- Nodeschool.io - Web forum and community surrounding Node and all educational resources for learning Node.
- Backbone.js - Project homepage for Backbone.js
- Backbone Tutorials - Tutorials for learning Backbone.js
- Angular.js - Project homepage for Angular.js
- Egghead.io - Great set of instructional videos for learning Angular
- Ember.js - Project homepage for Ember.js
- Angular vs Backbone vs Ember - Interesting blog article comparing the frameworks and giving some advice on which one to choose for various projects.
- Underscore.js - Documentation page for Underscore.js
- D3.js - Data-Driven Documents. Data Visualization framework written in javascript.
- D3 Gallery - Fantastic gallery of all the great visualizations you can create using D3.js
- DashingD3 - Great site filled with tutorials on how to use D3.
- Three Little Circles - D3 tutorial that uses 3 small circles as examples throughout.
- DimpleJS - An object-oriented API for business analytics using D3.js
- D3 Tutorials - Example-driven tutorials for D3
- Why D3? - Great blog article explaining what makes D3 so great for data visualization.
- Quick R - Companion website for the book "R in Action."
- Cookbook for R - Good general R code resource.
- RMySQL - Full installation and setup guide on how to use R with MySQL.
- Advanced R - In-progress book site for Advanced R.
- R-bloggers - R-bloggers site, great resource for staying up-to-date on R news.
- The Story of your Data in R - Great walkthrough that shows you not only how to configure a database connection between MySQL and R in Windows, but also shows you what you can do once you're done with it.
- Shiny - Complete web application framework for building interactive applications in R.
- SparkR - R front-end package for integration with Apache Spark (more on that later...).
- RMySQL Docs - Official documentation on the RMySQL package from the CRAN repository.
- Introduction to R - Video that explains the basics of R.
- R by Example - Name pretty much says it all on this one.
- R Survival Guide - One page survival guide to learning and using R.
- Julia-lang.org - Project homepage for the Julia programming language.
- Try Julia - Interactive beginners guide to Julia.
NOTE: The Julia programming language adopted its name from the a concept in fractal geometry called the Julia Set. You've likely seen Julia sets around in your every-day life but just didn't know it. Weirdly, it's a very common necktie and wallpaper design. Here is an example.