Vanilla-php is distributed under GPL-3.0 license.
The development has been done under this configuration:
- Debian 12
- php8 (8.2.24)
- php8.2-mysql
- apache2 (2.4.62)
- libapache2-mod-php8.2
- mariadb 11.5.2
This README explain how to install and configure this framework through the creation of a fictive project called myProject. This installation assumes that you have already apache2.
- myProject project will be located in /usr/share.
- The fullpath for the project will be /usr/share/myProject.
Copy this folder into your project location. I.E. if your project is located in /usr/share/myProject
On your /usr/share/myProject folder you should see the following folders:
- Controllers
- Core
- includes
- logs
- ...
The installation is DONE ! But we need to do some configuration.
On your /etc/hosts file add the line:
# Add an alias pointing on myProject.local myProject.local myProject
Firstly the module rewrite has to be enabled:
# Activate the RewriteEngine mode on apache2
a2enmod rewrite
Then we have to create a new virtual host.
# Edit the myProject config file
vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/myProject.conf
Put this content (content by default) into your newly created conf file:
# You NEED to adapt the content of this file for your needs
<VirtualHost myProject.local:80> # how to reach your virtual host
ServerName myProject.local
ServerAdmin myProject@localhost
DocumentRoot /usr/share/myProject/public/
<Directory /usr/share/myProject/public/>
RewriteEngine On
# Explicitely serve existing files
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
# Rewrite non existing uris
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.*) index.php?uri=$1 [QSA,L]
AllowOverride None
ErrorLog /usr/share/myProject/logs/error.log
CustomLog /usr/share/myProject/logs/access.log combined
Currently this apache configuration is done but not activated:
~# a2ensite myProject
~# systemctl restart apache2
Go back in your project folder and edit the /usr/share/myProject/config.ini file. Add your info on it.
; List your databases here, separated by ','
; list=myProject,db2
; For each db in databases.list, create a section called:
; db_<name>, with the following params
; Feed your myProject db info on this section
; [db_db2]
; dbengine=mysql
; dbhost=localhost
; dbport=3306
; dbuser=db2
; dbpassword="db2_password"
; dbname=db2
; csrf token expires after 3600 secs after its generation
; specify the password length required
; parameter used for pagination. maxperpage limits the number of rows selected and displayed a page.
All done, now you have to create your content.