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configuration for english
kmk edited this page Dec 30, 2020
4 revisions
When creating PlutoGrid you can change its settings by passing PlutoGridConfiguration in the configuration property.
var grid = PlutoGrid(
columns: myData.columns,
rows: myData.rows,
configuration: PlutoGridConfiguration(
enableColumnBorder: true,
// ...
Property name | Description |
enableColumnBorder | Activate the vertical line between the column and the column. |
gridBackgroundColor | Set color on grid background. |
gridBorderColor | Sets the color of the grid border. |
activatedColor | Sets the color for the background of the currently active cell, row, or checkbox. |
activatedBorderColor | Sets the color for the border of the currently active cell, row, or checkbox. |
checkedColor | Sets the color for the background of selected rows. |
borderColor | Sets the color for the borders of rows or cells that are not active. |
cellColorInEditState | Sets the color of the background of the editing state cell. |
cellColorInReadOnlyState | Sets the color for the background of cells that are read-only. |
columnTextStyle | Set the text style of the column. |
cellTextStyle | Sets the cell's text style. |
iconColor | Sets the color of the icons used in the grid. (Column menu, icon to the right of popup type cell, etc.) |
iconSize | Sets the size of the icons used in the grid. |
menuBackgroundColor | Set the background color of the column menu popup. |
rowHeight | Set the height of the row. |
enableMoveDownAfterSelecting | After selecting a value from the selection popup (date, time, selection column), it automatically moves to the lower row. |
enterKeyAction | Set the operation of the Enter key. |
localeText | Set the text within the grid. |
scrollbarConfig | Set the settings of the scroll bar. |
columnFilterConfig | Set the filter on the column. |
Set by passing filters as an array to the filters property of columnFilterConfig.
If you define a callback function in the resolveDefaultColumnFilter property of columnFilterConfig, you can specify different default filters for each column.
class ClassYouImplemented implements PlutoFilterType {
String get title => 'Custom contains';
get compare => ({
String base,
String search,
PlutoColumn column,
}) {
var keys = search.split(',').map((e) => e.toUpperCase()).toList();
return keys.contains(base.toUpperCase());
const ClassYouImplemented();
var filterConfig = PlutoColumnFilterConfig(
filters: const [
// custom filter
resolveDefaultColumnFilter: (column, resolver) {
if (column.field == 'text') {
return resolver<PlutoFilterTypeContains>();
} else if (column.field == 'number') {
return resolver<PlutoFilterTypeGreaterThan>();
} else if (column.field == 'date') {
return resolver<PlutoFilterTypeLessThan>();
} else if (column.field == 'select') {
return resolver<ClassYouImplemented>();
return resolver<PlutoFilterTypeContains>();
The latest documentation will be updated at the link below.