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BoringdroidSystemUI is a pc-style SystemUI implementation that uses SystemUI plugin to hook itself to SystemUI.


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The BoringdroidSystemUI is a pc-style SystemUI implementation that uses SystemUI plugin to hook itself to SystemUI.

It also uses SystemUI SharedLib to receive the task changed events from system.

We provide gradle build script to build app with gradle, and develop it with Android Studio. It uses the keystore generated from AOSP debug key, and it will help to install debug app from Android Studio to Android.

build.gradle use jars of above library to remove system API dependency, and built this project directly and separately. The jars are built from system, so we should update them when we upgrade AOSP.

Update system library dependencies for new AOSP version

Execute the following commands to build library files:

source build/
lunch boringdroid_x86_64-userdebug
m SystemUISharedLib

Copy out/target/product/boringdroid_x86_64/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/SystemUISharedLib_intermediates/javalib.jar to replace SystemUIPluginLib.jar. And then updating src/main/SystemUISharedRes based on SystemUI SharedLib's Android.bp.

The SystemUISharedLib is a new all-in-one library.


Instrumentation tests

This project has some instrumentation tests, and you should use the below command to check tests before you push changes to the repository for reviewing:

./gradlew connectedAndroidTest

Unit tests

This project also has some unit tests, you should use the below command to check tests before you push changes to the repository for reviewing:

./gradlew test


This project uses Spotless to format source code, and you can use the below command to check and format source code before you push changes to the repository for reviewing:

./gradlew spotlessCheck
./gradlew spotlessApply

If you encounter an error when use ./gradlew spotlessApply, you should fix format errors manually, because the Spotless based formatter can't fix all errors.


The BoringdroidSystemUI is released with apk, and you can use the following commands build apk:

./gradlew build

And copy the app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk as the released apk to the release repository.

Also, we can download latest build APK from GitHub Action's artifacts.


BoringdroidSystemUI is a pc-style SystemUI implementation that uses SystemUI plugin to hook itself to SystemUI.





