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feat: add asciidoc live preview (#27)
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- add live preview functionality for local doc development
- document setup prerequisites and usage in README
- include basic troubleshooting guide
- run pre-commit on all files
  • Loading branch information
julioest committed Dec 24, 2024
1 parent 0d189f8 commit 8e0507c
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Showing 4 changed files with 258 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .gitattributes
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@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
* text=auto

*.css text eol=lf

94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,97 @@ html mp11.html : mp11.adoc
Noto font files are covered under the Open Font License:

## Live Preview for AsciiDoc Documentation

BoostLook includes a **live preview** feature to streamline local development and review of AsciiDoc documentation. This allows for automatic rendering and real-time browser preview of changes made to [`specimen.adoc`](/doc/specimen.adoc) and [`boostlook.css`](/boostlook.css) files.

### Overview

The preview functionality is handled by a Ruby script ([`boostlook_preview.rb`](./boostlook_preview.rb)). This script monitors AsciiDoc, HTML, and CSS files for changes, automatically rebuilding and opening the rendered HTML in your default web browser.


### Prerequisites

Ensure the following dependencies are installed:

- **Ruby** (>= 2.7 recommended)
- **Asciidoctor** – Install via `gem install asciidoctor`
- **Listen Gem** – Install via `gem install listen`
- **Boost.Build (b2)** – Required for builds invoked by the script. Ensure it is installed and available in your system's PATH.


### Usage and Detailed Steps

1. **Install Ruby and Required Gems**:
- Ensure Ruby is installed on your system. You can check by running:
ruby -v
If Ruby is not installed, follow the instructions on []( to install it.
- Install Asciidoctor:
gem install asciidoctor
- Install the Listen gem:
gem install listen

2. **Install Boost.Build (b2)**:
- Follow the instructions on the [Boost.Build website]( to install `b2`.
- Ensure `b2` is available in your system's PATH by running:
which b2
3. **Locate Specimen AsciiDoc File**:
- Place your AsciiDoc files in the `doc` directory. The default file is `doc/specimen.adoc`.
- The default file structure should include:
├── doc
│ └── specimen.adoc <--
│ └── ...
├── boostlook.css
└── boostlook_preview.rb
└── boostlook.rb
└── ...
4. **Navigate to the project directory**:
cd /path/to/boostlook
5. **Run the preview script**:
- Ensure you're in the root folder
ruby boostlook_preview.rb

6. **Edit and Preview**:
- Edit your AsciiDoc (specimen.adoc) or CSS (boostlook.css) files.
- The script will automatically detect changes and rebuild the documentation.
- Refresh the browser to see changes.

7. **Refresh Your Browser** to view changes.


### Troubleshooting

- **Script Not Running**:
- Ensure all prerequisites are installed correctly.
- Check for any error messages in the terminal and resolve them accordingly.

- **Changes Not Reflecting**:
- Ensure the files being edited are within the monitored directories (`doc` and root directory).
- Verify that the browser is refreshing automatically or manually refresh the browser.

- **Boost.Build (b2) Not Found**:
- Ensure `b2` is installed and available in your system's PATH.
- Run `which b2` to verify its availability.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions boostlook_preview.rb
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@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'asciidoctor'
require 'listen'
require 'pathname'
require 'logger'

# AsciidocRenderer handles building AsciiDoc files, monitoring changes, and rendering the output in a browser.
class AsciidocRenderer
# Define our relevant constant paths
jamfile: 'doc/Jamfile',
specimen_docinfo_footer: 'doc/specimen-docinfo-footer.html',
specimen_adoc: 'doc/specimen.adoc',
css: 'boostlook.css',
boostlook_rb: 'boostlook.rb',
output_dir: 'doc/html'

# OS-specific commands to open the default web browser
/darwin/ => 'open', # macOS
/linux/ => 'xdg-open', # Linux
/mingw|mswin/ => 'start' # Windows

def initialize
# Initialize the logger
@logger =$stdout)
@logger.level = Logger::INFO
@logger.formatter = ->(_, _, _, msg) { "#{msg}\n" }

@file_opened = false # Flag to prevent multiple browser openings
@shutdown_requested = false # Flag to handle graceful shutdown
validate_b2 # Ensure Boost.Build is installed

# Entry point to run the renderer
def run
validate_files # Check for the presence of required files
initial_build # Perform the initial build and render
setup_signal_traps # Setup signal handlers for graceful shutdown
watch_files # Start watching for file changes


# Validates that all required files are present
def validate_files
required_files = [PATHS[:jamfile], PATHS[:specimen_docinfo_footer], PATHS[:specimen_adoc], PATHS[:css], PATHS[:boostlook_rb]]
missing_files = required_files.reject { |file| File.exist?(file) }
unless missing_files.empty?
missing_files.each { |file| @logger.error("Required file #{file} not found") }
exit 1

# Checks if the 'b2' command (Boost.Build) is available
def validate_b2
unless system('which b2 > /dev/null 2>&1')
@logger.error("'b2' command not found. Please install Boost.Build and ensure it's in your PATH.")
exit 1

# Builds the AsciiDoc project using Boost.Build
def build_asciidoc
Dir.chdir('doc') do
if system('b2')"Build successful")
@logger.error("Build failed")

# Opens the generated HTML file in the default web browser
def open_in_browser
return if @file_opened

cmd = OS_BROWSER_COMMANDS.find { |platform, _| RUBY_PLATFORM =~ platform }&.last
if cmd
system("#{cmd} #{PATHS[:output_dir]}/specimen.html")
@file_opened = true
@logger.warn("Unsupported OS. Please open #{PATHS[:output_dir]}/specimen.html manually")

# Performs the initial build and opens the result in the browser
def initial_build
if build_asciidoc && File.exist?("#{PATHS[:output_dir]}/specimen.html")
open_in_browser"Rendered #{PATHS[:specimen_adoc]} to #{PATHS[:output_dir]}/specimen.html")
@logger.error("Failed to generate #{PATHS[:output_dir]}/specimen.html")

# Sets up file listeners to watch for changes and trigger rebuilds
def watch_files
@listener ='doc', '.') do |modified, added, removed|
handle_file_changes(modified, added, removed)

@listener.ignore(/doc\/html/) # Ignore changes in the output directory
@listener.start"Watching for changes in 'doc' and root directories (excluding 'doc/html')...")

# Keep the script running until a shutdown is requested
until @shutdown_requested
sleep 1

shutdown # Perform shutdown procedures

# Handles detected file changes by determining if a rebuild is necessary
def handle_file_changes(modified, added, removed)
@logger.debug("Modified files: #{modified.join(', ')}")
@logger.debug("Added files: #{added.join(', ')}") if added.any?
@logger.debug("Removed files: #{removed.join(', ')}") if removed.any?

relevant_files = [

# Check if any of the changed files are relevant for rebuilding
changes_relevant = (modified + added + removed).any? do |file|

if changes_relevant"Relevant changes detected, rebuilding...")
if build_asciidoc && File.exist?("#{PATHS[:output_dir]}/specimen.html")
open_in_browser"Re-rendered successfully")

# Sets up signal traps to handle graceful shutdown on interrupt or terminate signals
def setup_signal_traps
Signal.trap("INT") { @shutdown_requested = true }
Signal.trap("TERM") { @shutdown_requested = true }

# Performs shutdown procedures, such as stopping the file listener
def shutdown"Shutting down...")
@listener.stop if @listener

# Instantiate and run the AsciidocRenderer
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions doc/specimen.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ See <<chars_format overview>> for description.
* All built-in integral types are allowed except bool which is deleted
* from_chars for integral type is constexpr (BOOST_CHARCONV_CONSTEXPR is defined) when:
** compiled using `-std=c++14` or newer
** compiled using `-std=c++14` or newer
** using a compiler with `\__builtin_ is_constant_evaluated`
* These functions have been tested to support `\__int128` and `unsigned __int128`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -993,4 +993,3 @@ This documentation is copyright 2022-2023 Peter Dimov and Matt Borland and is di
the[Boost Software License, Version 1.0].

:leveloffset: -1

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