- Download and install the latest version of node.js: https://nodejs.org/en/
- Create a new directory, which will be your root directory).
- Go to your root directory in the terminal (e.g., Windows PowerShell).
- Run the following command in the terminal and follow the instructions: npm init
- Enter the following if it does not match the parentheses, and hit enter for everything else: name: description: entry point: app.js keywords: name: Open the newly-created package.json file, put a comma after the license line, and paste the following text on the next line: "dependencies": { "express": "*" }
- Go back to the terminal and type: npm install
- Pull this repository
- cd from terminal to the root folder of this repository
- Type: node app.js (you can also type: node app)
- Open a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome) and enter the following website address: http://localhost:8000
- The audio is generated using IBM watson text to speech API
- https://text-to-speech-demo.ng.bluemix.net/