A solution in Docker for deploying a single service on to the Tor network
NGINX has been included as an example
Securely accessing a service you have deployed can be done a few ways such as SSH tunneling and setting up domain names and certificates. SSH tunneling aside, hosting through Tor is a free alternative, with the only downside being the connection speeds.
- Run the
docker-compose up -d
- You can view the onion link that has been generated with the below command, keep in mind it may take several minutes before your service is registered on the Tor network.
docker exec tor-service cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname
All configuration can be done through the docker-compose.yml
- Add the service to the
container_name: nginx
image: nginx:latest
- Configure the Tor Service container to connect to the service you would like to host
container_name: tor-service
build: .
- HIDDEN_SERVICE_HOST=hidden-service
- hidden-service