All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Implement different priprities' types for systems. Separate all systems into EARLY, NORMAL and LATE executed.
Now only a single world's context is supported. In later builds there should be multiple worlds supported.
New integration tests were added for TinyECSUnityIntegration library
Integration tests of TinyECSUnityIntegration library was added for Unity tests runner
The API of IWorldContext was extended with new public methods GetSingleEntityWithAll and GetSingleEntityWithAny
A new method IWorldContext.GetUniqueEntity was added.
Now disposable entities can live for extra frames using a new builtin component TEntityLifetimeComponent
Two new types which are EntityId and SystemId were introduced as strongly typed versions of identifiers.
Issue #31 : DependencyInjector throws NullReferenceException when DependencyInjector.Init is called before WorldContext's instance is created
Issue #30 : DependencyInjector class doesn't work correctly for nested views
Issue #29: If you try to create a new entity no matter disposable or not the application is freezed
Issue #27 : RegisterViewSystem initializes its views for a few times
Issue #26 : WorldContext.GetSingleEntityWithAll and WorldContext.GetSingleEntityWithAny return null in some cases
Issue #25 : ComponentManager.AddComponent throws ComponentAlreadyExistsException for entity which even has no component of this type
Issue #24 : BaseView.mLinkedEntityId has invalid value when RegisterSubscription is invoked for BaseStaticView's instances
- Issue #31 : DependencyInjector throws NullReferenceException when DependencyInjector.Init is called before WorldContext's instance is created
- New integration tests were added for TinyECSUnityIntegration library
- Issue #30 : DependencyInjector class doesn't work correctly for nested views
- Integration tests of TinyECSUnityIntegration library was added for Unity tests runner
- Now disposable entities can live for extra frames using a new builtin component TEntityLifetimeComponent
- Issue #29: If you try to create a new entity no matter disposable or not the application is freezed
- Issue #27 : RegisterViewSystem initializes its views for a few times
- Issue #26 : WorldContext.GetSingleEntityWithAll and WorldContext.GetSingleEntityWithAny return null in some cases
- Issue #25 : ComponentManager.AddComponent throws ComponentAlreadyExistsException for entity which even has no component of this type
- The API of IWorldContext was extended with new public methods GetSingleEntityWithAll and GetSingleEntityWithAny
- Issue #24 : BaseView.mLinkedEntityId has invalid value when RegisterSubscription is invoked for BaseStaticView's instances
- Two new types which are EntityId and SystemId were introduced as strongly typed versions of identifiers.
- A new method IWorldContext.GetUniqueEntity was added.
- Issue #22: DependencyInjector always throws ArgumentNullException on application's start
An extension method CreateAndGetEntity for IWorldContext was added. The main goal for that is to simplify entity creation.
A new concept of unique components was introduced. Now if a user implements his/her component from IUniqueComponent then the only instance of this one will exists in the world context.
Add a new type which is SystemsPackage that allows to unite a bunch of related systems together.
Now DependencyInjector supports initialization of multiple BaseView components per single GameObject, Issue #20
Now all reactive systems accept all entities that are created despite execution order
Exceptions handling within EventManager.Notify method was redesigned.
Fixed an issue #19 "Intercommunicating reactive systems don't receive all messages of the frame"
Fixed an issue #17 "An entity that was created using previously deteled one has its components"
Fixed an issue #17
Increased robustness of the framework
- An extension method CreateAndGetEntity for IWorldContext was added. The main goal for that is to simplify entity creation.
- A new concept of unique components was introduced. Now if a user implements his/her component from IUniqueComponent then the only instance of this one will exists in the world context.
- Add a new type which is SystemsPackage that allows to unite a bunch of related systems together.
- Exceptions handling within EventManager.Notify method was redesigned.
- Now DependencyInjector supports initialization of multiple BaseView components per single GameObject, Issue #20
- Fixed an issue #19 "Intercommunicating reactive systems don't receive all messages of the frame"
- Now all reactive systems accept all entities that are created despite execution order
- Fixed an issue #17 "An entity that was created using previously deteled one has its components"
Fixed an issue #17
Increased robustness of the framework
A components iterator that provides easy way of enumerating over all components that some entity has
Add custom debug inspectors for WorldContextsManager, EntityObserver and SystemManagerObserver types
Implement ToString() method for Entity type
Add template project for Unity3D and corresponding tutorial sample, which demonstrates how to integrate TinyECS into Unity3D
Fixed an issue "Created with GameObjectFactory entities don't have TViewComponent attached to them" #11
Fixed an issue "Reactive systems don't response on to events that are generated with IUpdateSystem implementations" #6
- Now all reactive systems are executed after all IUpdateSystems
A components iterator that provides easy way of enumerating over all components that some entity has
Add custom debug inspectors for WorldContextsManager, EntityObserver and SystemManagerObserver types
Implement ToString() method for Entity type
- Now you can subscribe same reference to a system in different roles. For example, as initializing system and as update system at the same time
A bunch of helper types for TinyECS were added into the project to implement an integration with Unity3D.
Support of static and dynamically created views was implemented.
A new type of entities was introduced which are disposable entities.
- Now event manager separates types of delivering events to their listeners. Single- and broadcasting are now supported.
IEntityManager.GetEntitiesWithAll's implementation was fixed.
EntityManager.DestroyEntity's implementation was fixed. Now it correctly destroys given entities.