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Lint Scripts linter tfsec

A repository that creates a RKE2 kubernetes cluster using Terraform.

Out of the box it comes configured with:

  • pre-checks all the requirements are met for the setup to run;
  • checks kubernetes API is running and nodes are available after apply;
  • generating ssh key for kubernetes user, to be used to connect to the VMs (instead of password login);
    • makes use of ssh-agent to load key;
    • key is password protected and generated once;
  • generating tf.vars file based on template in file terraform-template.json;
  • exports kubernetes config file to k8s.yaml in root folder;
  • kubernetes rke2 additions:
    • system-upgrade controller, to be able to run plans from ;
    • custom audit policy to have more precise logging;
    • wireguard added and configured;
    • automountServiceAccountToken set to false, by default;
    • iptables configured to restrict traffic between nodes on specific ports. Configuration is persistent on reboot;
    • (optional) mirror for docker hub with username and password can be configured by adding to the terraform-template.json:
      "registry_mirror": "",
      "registry_mirror_user": "example",
      "registry_mirror_pass": "example"


Creating kuberentes cluster

# generate keys and load terraform modules
make init

# create plan based on template (need to run once)
make plan

# apply configuration
make apply

On make init new ssh keys are generated only if they don't exist, and the password is generated once. If the keys want to be reused and the key has been removed from the ssh-agent, export SSH_PASS=<key> needs to be used for the make init to know how to add the keys to the ssh-agent.

Destroy kubernetes cluster

# destroy cluster

make destroy


MIT License

Code adapted from from which is licensed under MIT License