Based on laravel-zero.
- PHP >= ^7.2
- ext-curl
- ext-dom
- ext-fileinfo
- ext-json
- ext-libxml
- ext-mbstring
- ext-Phar
- ext-posix
- ext-tokenizer
- ext-xml
- ext-xmlwriter
clone this repository
Install composer dependencies
$ composer install
Copy example env file and add your credential
$ cp .env.example .env
Create default CSV files by all available systems
$ ./time-report-cli report:make-stubs
- required by Lemberg CodebaseHq
fill CSV file
minutes(integer);tiket number;work log description 60;123;Cool work log
Important! CSV files do not contain headers.
calculate work logs sum
$ ./time-report-cli report
send all time to systems by projects
$ ./time-report-cli send
After successful sending all data will be annulled.
./time-report-cli report --help