This plugin package includes helpful features to get you on your way to create your game in RPG Maker MZ.
During the RPG Maker MV era, I wrote over 150+ plugins since 2015. However, after the release of RPG Maker MZ and my transition into a web development career, I found myself with less time to work. By the time I got home from work, I was completely exhausted and couldn’t do anything. This made porting plugins very challenging. In the five years following MZ’s release, I managed to port only around 40+ plugins. Meanwhile, many plugins with similar functionalities were released, leading some to lose the will to port them. Today, the presence of numerous AIs further diminishes my motivation.
However, I have not stopped coding and continue to be actively involved, promptly addressing any incoming issues. Although I mostly participate in Korean communities (such as Discord), I always keep an eye on GitHub issues—so please feel free to actively use the issue tracker.
to upstream to MV
repository, you need to follow the steps below:
git clone
cd ./MZ
and then, you can add a new remote repository and push your changes to it (maintainer only).
git remote add MV-1
git push MV-1 master:MZ # git push remote-name <source:destination>
Free for commercial and non-commercial use.
The MIT License (MIT)