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Repository files navigation


This is a file server. compresses specific directory into compressed file and provide download.

env / default

SERV_DIR=Error (Directory path to compress)
SERV_ADDR= (File serving address)
SERV_PORT=1080 (File serving port)
SERV_PATH=/download (URL Path to serve file)
SERV_MD5_PATH=/md5 (URL path to md5 value. empty=off)
SERV_INFO_PATH=/info (URL path to info value. empty=off)
SERV_INFO_VALUE=0.0.1 (info value)

METRICS_PORT=1080 (PrometheusMetrics Port. empty=off)
METRICS_PATH=/metrics (PrometheusMetrics Path)

NODE_DEBUG=ERROR,WARN (Activate Nodejs debugger)

Local development environment

> npm i
> code .
[press F5 to run debugger] or
> npm run debug


npm run build

BUILD docker

docker build .