Based on the repository URL, this CLI tool makes it easy for you to access the Github / Gitlab project page, issues page and single issue page.
npm i -g habla
To access your Github/Gitlab project front page, navigate to your project directory (or a subdirectory).
To view the issues page:
habla i
If used while you are currently on an issue branch called issue/23
or issues/23
, the above command will instead lead to the page for issue no 23.
If you want to view a specific issue:
habla i 23
Habla todo drops a list with issues from both github, gitlab and trello.
habla todo
To configure use:
habla github
habla gitlab
habla trello
And follow the given instructions.
-a, --all Remove limit from task-list
-n, --number [amount] Amount of tasks shown (is overwritten by --all)
-c, --current Only shows tasks from the current repository.
-w, --withoutdeadline Only shows tasks without deadlines
-u, --unassigned Only shows unassigned tasks
habla todo -n 50 -c -u
Get 50 unassigned issues, from the reposititory you are currently standing in.