Integration of tools information in Galaxy IUC Tools (primary) with and Debian Med
- Ivan Kuzmin @inkuzmin
- Matúš Kalaš @matuskalas
- Hervé Ménager @rvmngr
- Galaxy and especially Galaxy IUC contributors (numerous, including Björn Grüning @bjoerngruening, Nicola Soranzo @NicolaSoranzo, etc.)
- curators and contributors (numerous, including Hans Ienasescu @HansIenasescu and Jon Ison)
- Debian Med contributors (of those especially Steffen Möller, Andreas Tille, @ssatta, Michael R. Crusoe @biocrusoe, etc.)
function is based on the implementation of DOI fetcher by Kenzo-Hugo Hillion @khhillion
- Adding tools annotation from into Galaxy IUC Tools by @inkuzmin (PR #1905 and #1897 in galaxyproject/tools-iuc)
- Retrieving tools annotation from Debian by @tillea ( in bio-tools/biotoolsConnect)
- Succession of integration efforts of tools information in Debian Med and by @smoe, @rvmngr, @matuskalas (bio-tools-community/debian-med-links-analysis, bio-tools-community/json-buffer, bio-tools-community/debian2biotools, archived toolinfowarehouse)
Choice of MIT and CC-BY-4.0
Interactive report creation code consists of two parts:
- A Jupyter notebook to find matches by DOI and generate JSON file with the data;
- A client to display data in a browser in a form that facilitates the process of manual annotation of the Galaxy Tools with EDAM terms.
# create a virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv .venv
# activate the virtual environment
$ . .venv/bin/activate
# install Jupyter and start the notebooks server
$ pip install jupyter
$ jupyter notebook
# open the notebook in a browser: http://localhost:8888/notebooks/workflow.ipynb
# after all work is done to end the session:
(.venv)$ deactivate
# naviagate to the `client` folder with
$ cd client
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
$ npm run dev
# build for production with minification and serve it with HTTP server
$ npm run build
$ cd dist
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
- [] Annotate Galaxy instances (