An android application that helps report recklessly driven matatus in Kenya by giving the common citizen a platform that they can use to share their different experiences and report the specific matatus.
[Joseph Kilasi] - [Vivian] -
- First clone the repository or fork it.
- Navigate to android studio and open the project. Wait for it to build.
- You should receive some errors .
- From there navigate to or create a folder. In that folder is where you will place your twitter api key details obtained from here {}
- From there go to Firebase ,[]. And add a project, and then select add firebase to your android project.
- From there follow this guide [].
- After downloading the google-services.json file add it to the project.
- From there clean and build the project.
- Android
- Java
- Firebase
- Account Kit
- MySql
- Twitter API
- Google Maps