Classic algorithms and data structures implemented in Go. Not for production use, it is mostly an attempt to get comfortable both with Go and key CS concepts.
- Binary Search Tree (wiki)
- Graph (wiki)
- Hash Tables (wiki)
- Linked List (wiki)
- Matrix (wiki)
- Min/Max Heap (wiki)
- Priority Queue (wiki)
- Queue (wiki)
- Stack (wiki)
Shortest path:
- Binary GCD algorithm (wiki)
- Closest pairs (wiki)
- FastPower (wiki)
- Fibonacci (wiki)
- Fisher-Yates Shuffle (wiki)
- Erastothenes Sieve (wiki)
- Extented GCD algorithm (wiki)
- Karatsuba's Multiplication (wiki)
- Newton's Square Root (wiki)
- Permutations Count
- Strassen's matrix multiplication (wiki)
- Randomized Selection