title | author | date | bibliography | link-citations |
README (draft) |
Brandon Gusto |
February 23, 2021 |
references.bib |
true |
The hybrid adaptive multiresolution (HAMR) code is an add-on package for the
FLASH simulation code [@fryxell2000], and can be downloaded freely at
https://github.com/blg13/HAMR-FLASH. The
HAMR approach uses multiresolution (MR) indicators not only to guide the
refinement/coarsening of Cartesian meshes utilizing adaptive mesh refinement
(AMR), but also to accelerate calculations of physical quantities in smooth
regions. Note that the current implementation is limited to the Paramesh
library [@macneice2000], and that the code currently assumes that cells that
are equally spaced in each direction. The package is designed to patch the
latest release of FLASH, FLASH4.6.2
The HAMR-FLASH package is divided into two components: multiresolution-driven AMR (MrAMR) and HAMR. The first component can be used if one wants to use MR indicators for AMR purposes only. The latter component uses the former one, but also introduces solver-adaptivity; that is, using MR indicators to further accelerate the calculation of physical quantities using interpolation from coarser levels. The physical quantities currently considered by the algorithm are the hydrodynamic fluxes (split PPM), equation of state (EoS), and the reactive source terms.
The AMR blocks in FLASH are tagged for refinement or coarsening according to MR
smoothness indicators (hereafter referred to as detail coefficients). A new
directory, source/Grid/GridSolvers/Multiresolution
, is included to handle the
calculation of detail coefficients, and the construction of the MR mask. The MR
mask is constructed by ignoring the cells whose corresponding detail
coefficients are smaller than a user-defined tolerance. In general the
construction of the mask requires communication between blocks, as the
algorithm 'warns' cells surrounding non-smooth features. The calling of MR
subroutines is handled by modified Paramesh files, located in
. Runtime parameters associated
with this module are listed below:
(real, 0.e0): user-defined tolerance for truncating detail coefficientswvlt_userelative
(boolean, false): computes detail coefficient values relative to solution magnitudeswvlt_nbuffer
(integer, 1): number of cells in each direction of the MR buffer regionwvlt_maxlvl
(integer, 3): number of levels in the local MR hierarchy (minimum of three required for AMR)wvlt_diagnostic
(boolean, true): saves detail coefficient values for checkpoint and plotfileswvlt_refine_var_1
(string, "none"): refinement variablewvlt_refine_var_2
(string, "none"): refinement variablewvlt_refine_var_3
(string, "none"): refinement variablewvlt_refine_var_4
(string, "none"): refinement variablewvlt_refine_var_5
(string, "none"): refinement variablewvlt_refine_var_6
(string, "none"): refinement variable
The interpolation of numerical flux follows the procedure originally introduced by Harten [@harten1994]. High quality numerical flux calculations are replaced in smooth regions (as determined by the tolerance) with interpolation from interfaces corresponding to coarser grid levels, where flux values are already available. The same general approach is used for the evaluation of the Helmholtz EoS, and integration of reaction networks for reactive problems. Runtime parameters associated with these modules are listed below:
(real, 0.e0): safety factor pre-multiplying the parameterwvlt_thresh
for the construction of the solver-adaptive maskwvlt_interphydro
(boolean, false): allows for the interpolation of numerical fluxeswvlt_interpeos
(boolean, false): allows for the interpolation of EoSwvlt_interpburn
(boolean, false): allows for the interpolation of reaction products
Additional parameters may be included in the modified physics modules. From the
module, the following parameters are defined:
(integer, 3): order of the multiresolution flux interpolant (1 or 3)mrppm_simplemask
(boolean, true): groups fluxes together by level on the local MR hierarchy if set to true (possibly improved computational efficiency due to the omission of custom mask construction routine
Shortcuts are included for convenience when setting up and compiling new problems:
: enables MR-driven AMRmrppm
: includessource/physics/Hydro/HydroMain/split/PPM/mrPPMKernel
and enables interpolation of numerical fluxes
The software required to use the HAMR-FLASH package is as follows:
- A copy of
(earlier releases are not yet supported) perl
or later recommended)
How to install the HAMR package:
- Download the package at https://github.com/blg13/HAMR-FLASH
- Navigate to the root directory of your copy of
- Run the included installer script,
Once these steps are successfully completed, the modified FLASH code is ready to run.
An example setup utilizing MR-driven AMR and solver adaptivity for the Blast2 problem is provided below:
$PATHTOFLASH/setup Blast2 \
-auto \
-1d \
-nxb=16 \
-maxblocks=2000 \
+amr_wvlt \
+mrppm \
A flash.par
file is provided in examples/blast2
, using a uniform resolution
of 2048
cells and a solver-adaptive tolerance of 1.e-04
An example setup for the Hawley-Zabusky problem is provided below:
$PATHTOFLASH/setup HZ/HZstripped \
-auto \
-2d \
-nxb=16 -nyb=16 \
-maxblocks=2000 \
+amr_wvlt \
+mrppm \
A flash.par
file is provided in examples/hz
. The simulation is set up using
6 blocks (with 16 cells per side) along the lateral direction, and 6 levels of
refinement, with a maximum resolution of 0.121
cm. The
MR tolerance used for refinement is 1.e-02
, and the solver adaptive safety
factor is 1.e-02