Expanding from the scope of CapsPlusRiskSteward, we now introduce the new RiskSteward, allowing hardly constrained risk parameter updates by risk service providers and reducing governance overhead.
The new RiskSteward we propose follows the same design as the CapsPlusRiskSteward: a smart contract to which the Aave Governance gives POOL_ADMIN
the role over all v3 instances. It is controlled by a 2-of-2 multi-sig and is heavily constrained on what can do and how by its own logic.
Note: The Risk Stewards will only be available for Aave V3.1 instances and not Aave V2 (or previous Aave v3) due to missing admin roles on Aave V2 instances and other incompatibilities.
The following risk params could be changed by the RiskStewards:
Supply Caps
Borrow Caps
Liquidation Threshold
Liquidation Bonus
Debt Ceiling
Base variable borrow rate
Slope 1
Slope 2
Optimal point
Cap parameters for PriceCapAdapters (CAPO)
For each risk param, minDelay
can be configured, which is the minimum amount of delay (denominated in seconds) required before pushing another update for the risk param. Please note that this is specific for a risk param and includes both in upwards and downwards direction. Ex. after increasing LTV by 5%, we must wait by minDelay
before either increasing it again or decreasing it.
For each risk param, maxPercentChange
is the maximum percent change allowed (both upwards and downwards) for the risk param using the RiskStewards.
Supply cap, Borrow cap, and Debt ceiling: The
is relative and is denominated in BPS. (Ex.50_00
for +-50% relative change). For example, with an asset's current supply cap at 1_000_000 andmaxPercentChange
configured for supply cap at50_00
, the max supply cap that can be configured is 1_500_000, and the minimum is 500_000 via the steward. -
LTV, LT, LB: The
is in absolute values and is also denominated in BPS. (Ex.5_00
for +-5% change in LTV). For example, for a current LTV of an asset configured at 70_00 (70%) andmaxPercentChange
configured for ltv at10_00
, the max ltv that can be configured is 77_00 (77%) and the minimum 63_00 (63%) via the steward. -
Interest rates params: For Base Variable Borrow Rate, Slope 1, Slope 2, uOptimal the
is in absolute values and is denominated in BPS. For example, for a current uOptimal of an asset configured at 50_00 (50%) andmaxPercentChange
configured for uOptimal at10_00
, the max ltv that can be configured is 55_00 (55%) and the minimum 45_00 (45%) via the steward. -
LST Cap adapter params:
must be less or equal to the actual one. ThemaxPercentChange
is applied tomaxYearlyGrowthPercent
, it is relative and is denominated in BPS. (Ex.10_00
for +-10% relative change). For example, for a max yearly growth percent at 10_00 andmaxPercentChange
configured at10_00
, the max yearly growth percent that can be configured is 11_00 and the minimum 9_00 via the steward. -
Stable price cap: the
is in relative values. For example, for a current price cap of an oracle configured at 1_10_000000 andmaxPercentChange
configured at1_00
, the max price cap that can be configured is 1_11_100000 and the minimum 1_08_900000 via the steward.
After the activation proposal, these params could only be changed by the governance by calling the setRiskConfig()
Note: The Risk Stewards will not allow setting the values to 0 for supply cap, borrow cap, debt ceiling, LTV, Liquidation Threshold, Liquidation Bonus no matter if the maxPercentChange has been configured to 100%. The Risk Stewards will however allow setting the value to 0 for interest rate param updates.
Some assets/oracles can also be restricted on the RiskStewards by calling the setAddressRestricted()
method. This prevents the RiskStewards to make any updates on the specific asset. One example of the restricted asset could be GHO.
With the introduction of Edge Risk Oracles by Chaos Labs, which leverages advanced off-chain infrastructure to deliver real-time risk updates to the Aave protocol via the Risk Oracle, the risk updates for the Aave protocol can be automated in a constrained manner. This can be done by combining the Edge Risk Oracle with the Aave Risk Steward, using a middleware contract AaveStewardsInjector
The Aave Risk Steward contract used for automated updates (called now EdgeRiskStewardRates), has been slightly modified to only allow Interest Rates Updates on the protocol initially as a matter of extra security considerations.
The following is a simple diagram of how the system works as a whole:
The AaveStewardsInjector is a Chainlink automation compatible contract which checks if the latest update from the Edge Risk Oracle could be pushed to the Risk Steward, and if so, injects it to the Aave Risk Stewards. The AaveStewardsInjector
should be set as the riskCouncil
on the Aave Risk Steward contract so it can inject updates.
The AaveStewardsInjector
has the following major functions:
: This method is called off-chain by Chainlink nodes every block to check if the latest update could be injected, and if so, callsperformUpKeep()
. It fetches the latest interest rate update for the whitelisted asset (initially WETH) using thegetLatestUpdateByParameterAndMarket()
method on the Risk Oracle, and checks if the update can be injected into the Risk Steward if not already executed before. If the latest update is not executed or disabled the method returns true. -
: TheperformUpkeep()
method is called by the Chainlink automation nodes when thecheckUpkeep()
method returns true. TheperformUpkeep()
call injects the latest update on the Risk Steward, unless that update has been disabled by the steward injector guardian or previously executed. After an update has been injected on the Risk Steward using the params from the Risk Oracle, we mark the updateId as executed on storage mapping_isUpdateIdExecuted[id]
. TheperformUpkeep()
method is permissionless on purpose, so as to allow injections from the Risk Oracle to the Risk Steward even in case of some downtime on the automation infra via a manual trigger.
The Stewards Injector Guardian is an entity, which is the owner of the AaveStewardsInjector
contract and has access to disable updates for the specific updateId
using the disableUpdateById()
method in case of any emergencies. The guardian can also change / add update types using the addUpdateType()
method, to whitelist the type of updates that can be injected via the Stewards Injector.
The AaveStewardsInjector
contract also introduces an EXPIRATION_PERIOD
to disallow outdated risk param updates to be injected. The EXPIRATION_PERIOD
is set to 6 hours, which means after an update is pushed on the Edge Risk Oracle, the AaveStewardsInjector
has a maximum of 6 hours to inject the update onto the Risk Steward otherwise the update expires.
- Certora security review: 2024-07-10
cp .env.example .env
npm install
forge install
forge test
Run npm run generate
on your terminal in order to start the generator. The generator is a CLI tool which will generate the required helper contract which can be then run to submit updates to the risk steward. The generator will generate the helper contract in the src/contracts/updates
To get a full list of available commands run npm run generate --help
npm run generate --help
$ tsx generator/cli --help
Usage: proposal-generator [options]
CLI to generate aave proposals
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --force force creation (might overwrite existing files)
-p, --pools <pools...> (choices: "AaveV3Ethereum", "AaveV3EthereumLido", "AaveV3EthereumEtherFi", "AaveV3Polygon",
"AaveV3Avalanche", "AaveV3Optimism", "AaveV3Arbitrum", "AaveV3Metis", "AaveV3Base", "AaveV3Gnosis",
"AaveV3Scroll", "AaveV3BNB")
-t, --title <string> aip title
-a, --author <string> author
-d, --discussion <string> forum link
-c, --configFile <string> path to config file
-h, --help display help for command
Running npm run generate
you should be able to do the risk updates:
npm run generate
$ tsx generator/cli
? Chains this proposal targets AaveV3Ethereum
? Short title of your steward update that will be used as contract name (please refrain from including author or date) TestRateUpdate
? Author of your proposal BGD Labs
? Link to forum discussion (Link to forum)
? What do you want to do on AaveV3Ethereum? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
❯◉ RateStrategiesUpdates
◯ CapsUpdates (supplyCap, borrowCap)
◯ CollateralsUpdates (ltv,lt,lb,debtCeiling,liqProtocolFee,eModeCategory)
◯ LstPriceCapUpdates (snapshotTimestamp,snapshotRatio,maxYearlyRatioGrowthPercent)
◯ StablePriceCapUpdates (priceCap)
? Select the assets you want to amend WETH
Fetching info for WETH
? optimalUtilizationRate 90 %
? baseVariableBorrowRate 0 %
? variableRateSlope1 2.5 %
? variableRateSlope2 78 %
✨ Done in 38.32s.
The generator generates the scripts for doing the updates in src/contracts/updates
The script can be executed by running: make run-script network=mainnet contract_path=src/contracts/examples/EthereumExample.sol:EthereumExample broadcast=false generate_diff=true skip_timelock=false
determines if the calldata should be sent to safegenerate_diff=
determines if diff report should be generatedskip_timelock=
determines if timelock errors should revert the script, helpful in generating diff report / calldata when the current timelock has not ended.
The script also emits the calldata for doing the update in the console which can be used on the safe manually as well.
Before I will submit anything to sign, how do I test out the update, or get visibility from what will happen?
Running the script generated on the contracts in src/contracts/updates
directory with generate_diff=true
, there will files written into the diffs directory, which will show the params changed for the asset by the update, with before and after values which can be validated with what update is expected.
Once the script on the comments of the generated contract has been run with broadcast=false
, there will be calldata emitted on the console with the contract to call. Please copy the calldata and the contract to execute it on (i.e RiskSteward) from the console and input it on the gnosis safe UI transaction builder.
If you wish to not use the UI and send the update directly please put broadcast=true
when running the script to directly broadcast the tx using the gnosis safe.
Copyright © 2024, Aave DAO, represented by its governance smart contracts.
The BUSL1.1 license of this repository allows for any usage of the software, if respecting the Additional Use Grant limitations, forbidding any use case damaging anyhow the Aave DAO's interests. Interfaces and other components required for integrations are explicitly MIT licensed.