Web interface that allows the user to select the amount of tokens he wants to pay and how much should go to the fond
Run Demo
- Run these commands
$ git clone https://github.com/maede97/MinusMinusEnergy.git
$ cd MinusMinusEnergy
$ npm install
$ npm test
$ npm start
- Or watch the GIF above (shortened, hence the black flicker in the middle)
Matthias Busenhart
Webserver (JS), Blockchain (Solidity) - maede97
Philip Wiese
Webserver (JS), Blockchain (Solidity) - Xeratec
Marie-Louise Achart
Backend (Python), Documentation (LaTeX) - MarieLouiseAchart
Yannick Niedermayr
Database (C++), Misc. - guetzli32
Manuel Winkler
Database (C++) - manuel5975p
The project has the following dependencies, make sure you have them all installed:
- Make
- Cmake 3.1
- A C++ compiler such as gcc or clang
- libsqlite3-dev
- sqlite3
- Python 3
- nodeJS Link
- npm Link
- Ganache Link
Arch Linux
arch$ sudo pacman -S sqlite3 make cmake python gcc
ubuntu$ sudo apt install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev make cmake python3 gcc
The demo deploys the MMEToken, Bill and Fond contract on a local Ganache instance and adds an energy provider to the bill contract. The energy provider can issue new bills to a specific address.
The demo script also generates a signed transaction with the trusted private key of the sensor to claim MMETokens on the MMEToken contract for reduced energy consumption.
On the webinterface the client can analyze his energy consumption and pay his bills. He can decide to use some of his MMEToken to pay for his bill or invest them into a fond. The money in the fond could be used to finance local clima-pro projects, optionally with a integrated voting system (not implemented).
- Ganache
Port: 7545
Network ID: 5777
Hostname: - lo
Number of Accounts: >=3
Account 1: Contract Owner (subsidize eg. government)
Account 2: Energy Provider (eg. EWZ)
Account 3: Client - Webserver
URL: http://localhost:3000 - Metamask
Selected Account: Account 3
On a Raspberry Pi, run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/maede97/MinusMinusEnergy.git
$ cd MinusMinusEnergy
$ ./install.sh
Compile the presentation with:
$ cd /doc/presentation
$ pdflatex presentationMinusMinusEnergy.tex
Compile the final report with:
$ cd /doc/report
$ pdflatex reportMinusMinusEnergy.tex
- Security improvement
- Voting system for Fond
- Bug fixing