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Last update 01/11/2015

Small library using SDL2 and SDL_TTF used to plot points into a 2D graph

Current features available:

  • add points(x,y) to graph with a specific caption identified by id
  • add a new caption identified by id,a specified color and a text
  • set x label and y label
  • set font text used for the graph (ttf font text file must be included)
  • set font-size
  • set scale value and max value for X axis and Y axis (graduation are shown on the graph)
  • set window size (width/height)

All points for a specific caption identifier will be joined by a line For now, only positive part of x,y axis is shown

plot-sdl is written in C and has some wrappers for other languages/platforms :


  • launch included test project :
cd plot-sdl-lib
./release/plot ./plot-sdl-test/opensans.ttf

test program require font text file (ttf) in argument, you can change it at will


  • headers :
#include "plot.h"
#include "llist.h"
  • create a list of caption for all your graph you want to plot :
captionlist caption_list = NULL;

caption_list=push_back_caption(caption_list,"Upload"  ,1,0xFF0000);
  • Function push_back_caption(captionlist catopn_list, char * caption_txt,int caption_id,int color) description :
property Type comment
caption_list captionlist pointer to caption list
caption_txt char* caption label
caption_id int caption identifier
caption_color int caption color (hexa format)
  • create a list of coordinate for all the points to draw :
coordlist coordinate_list=NULL;

  • Function push_back_coord(coordlist coord_list,int caption_id, float x,float y) description :
property Type comment
coord_list coordlist pointer to coordinate list
caption_id int caption identifier
x float x coordinate
y float y coordinate

One point is bound to a specific caption with caption_id property

  • instanciate plot parameter structure to set all your specific parameters :
plot_params params;

params.caption_text_x="Temps (s)";
params.caption_text_y="Debit (Mbit/s)";
params.caption_list = caption_list;
params.coordinate_list = coordinate_list;
params.scale_x = 1;
params.scale_y = 10;
params.max_x = 8.5;
params.max_y = 120;
  • plot_params structure definition :
property Type comment
screen_width int window screen width
screen_heigth int window screen heigth
plot_window_title char* window title
font_text_path char* ttf font text file path
font_text_size int font size used
caption_text_x char* caption label fot axis X
caption_text_y char* caption label fot axis Y
caption_list captionlist caption list
coordinate_list coordlist coordinate list
scale_x float scale graduation used for axis X
scale_y float scale graduation used for axis Y
max_x float max value for axis X
max_y float max value for axis Y
  • Plot graph with int plot_graph(plot_params *params) :
int ret = plot_graph(&params);
  • This will display graph in a new window and will block until a SDL_QUIT event is received.


Build python wrapper extension :

cd python-wrapper

./ is localed in python-wrapper/plotsdl directory.

  • import :
from plotsdl.plot import CaptionList
from plotsdl.plot import CoordinateList
from plotsdl.plot import PlotParams
  • create a list of caption for all your graph you want to plot :
caption = CaptionList()

caption.push_back("Upload"  ,1,0xFF0000)
  • Function push_back(char * caption_txt,int caption_id,int color) description :
property Type comment
caption_txt char* caption label
caption_id int caption identifier
caption_color int caption color (hexa format)
  • create a list of coordinate for all the points to draw :
coordinate = CoordinateList()

  • Function push_back(int caption_id, float x,float y) description :
property Type comment
caption_id int caption identifier
x float x coordinate
y float y coordinate

One point is bound to a specific caption with caption_id property

  • instanciate plot parameter structure to set all your specific parameters :
plot_params = PlotParams(800,
	"Time (s)",
	"Speed (Mbit/s)",
  • PlotParams definition :
property Type comment
screen_width int window screen width
screen_heigth int window screen heigth
plot_window_title char* window title
font_text_path char* ttf font text file path
font_text_size int font size used
caption_text_x char* caption label fot axis X
caption_text_y char* caption label fot axis Y
caption_list CaptionList caption list
coordinate_list CoordinateList coordinate list
scale_x float scale graduation used for axis X
scale_y float scale graduation used for axis Y
max_x float max value for axis X
max_y float max value for axis Y
  • Plot graph with int plot_graph(plot_params *params) :
int ret = plot_params.plot_graph()

Python test

cd python-wrapper

Clean python wrapper

./ clean

font file wont be found if launched from a different directory



  • Add android-ndk directory to your path before setup

  • In android-wrapper directory you'll find which will retrieve SDL and SDL_TTF mercurial repository

cd android-wrapper
  • By default, API_ABI is set to all which takes quite a long time to build SDL and SDL_TTF for all your ndk arch. You can modify ./app/src/main/jni/ with a specific abi instead of APP_ABI := all

  • Then you can build with build parameter

./ build
  • When you are done, open Android-studio project located in android-wrapper directory and run test app or build directly with gradle wrapper : ./gradlew clean build


Located in ./app/src/main/jni/wrapper, SDL_android_main.c contains all JNI api used :

  • void nativePushCoordinate(int caption_id, int xcoord, int ycoord) : push a point with give coordinate (x,y)

  • void nativePushCaption(String caption_txt, int caption_id, int caption_color) : push a caption label identifying a graph

  • void nativePlotsdlQuit() : call SDL quit event to terminate process

  • void onNativeResize(int x, int y, int format) : resize SDL window to x width, y heigth with given pixel format

  • void nativePushPlotParams(int screen_width, int screen_heigth, String title, String fontFileName, int textSize, String xcaptionText, String ycaptionText, float scale_x, float scale_y, float max_x, float max_y) : push plot parameters used to plot points and setup graphs

  • void nativeInit() : initialize SDL and plot graph

Clean android wrapper

  • To make an ndk clean :
./ clean
  • reset android wrapper (this will remove SDL and SDL_TTF repo) :
./ distclean


These are the same api as Android wrapper

  • First, build wrapper :
cd java-wrapper
  • Open Eclipse and open-project located in java-wrapper/java directory

  • Build project with ant : build.xml

  • in command line :

cd java-wrapper
java -Djava.library.path=$WORKING_DIR -jar ./java/release/plotsdl-1.0.jar ../plot-sdl-test/opensans.ttf

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