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UTxO based NFT Maker for Cardano Blockchain (no timelock)


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UTxO based CNFT Maker

The following repository allows to create true Cardano NFTs on the Cardano Blockchain via a docker image that sets up all the required dependencies. Containers of the image run as executable by providing specific input files and require access to a fully synced Cardano node ipc.


Set up a Cardano Node

We recommend either using the official IO Cardano Node docker image or an enhanced community image like for instance by nessusio for simplified usage.


docker run --detach \
    --name=node \
    -p 3001:3001 \
    -e CARDANO_NETWORK=mainnet|testnet \
    -v node-config:/opt/cardano/config \
    -v node-data:/opt/cardano/data \
    -v node-ipc:/opt/cardano/ipc \
    nessusio/cardano-node run

Check the node's sync status with: docker exec -it node gLiveView

Input Files

The default input files paths that is used inside the docker helper scripts is this repo's ./inputs directory. So either place all of the following files in that repository or use the docker volume to point to a different location.

  • payment.addr
  • payment.skey
  • tokenname
  • utxo
  • metadata.json (optional)

Docker Helper Scripts

There are three helper scripts that can be used to build a custom image, create a container or rerun/ reuse an existing container.

Build Docker Image

Building the docker image the first time takes a while, because the plutus dependencies are build and installed. Also make sure you change the Dockerfile to not checkout the repo but copy your local repository when building a custom image if you have pending changes.

Run ./ [<version|default:1.0.0>] or adjust parameters. You can provide a version number to the build script. The default version is 1.0.0

Create Docker Container

Either make use of the helper script or inspect and adjust the docker command of that script to create a new container.

Use ./ (mainnet | testnet) [true | default: false] to create a new container for a target network and optionally define whether to make use of the CIP-0025 Metadata Standard or not.

If ran with option set to true the passed in metadata.json file will be encapsulated into a template with the respective policy id. For details check out

Manual Docker Container Creation

docker run -it \
    --name cnft \
    --rm \
    -v node-ipc:/opt/cardano/ipc \
    -v $(pwd)/inputs:/var/cardano/inputs \
    -e USE_CIP25=(true|default: false)

Start Docker Container

Use ./ (DOCKER ID| NAME) to rerun an existing container and mint over again.


By default the provided metadata file is copied one-to-one and attached to the transaction. There is no formatting/ templating etc.

CIP-0025 Standard Image CNFTs

For image NFTs there is an option that is required to be passed when running this container in order to take advantage of the NFT standard template.

If you use the helper script you can just pass a second boolean argument to whether you want to use the CIP25 template or not. Alterntively, you can also set the environment variable USE_CIP25 to either true or false.