This is a hassio addon to monitor voltronic axpert inverters.
The inverter is connected by USB and data is published as JSON to an MQTT broker. It publishes the data to 3 topics:
- 'power/axpert' for the parallel data (some of these values seem to be only for the connected inverter even though they are returned by the parallel data command)
- 'power/axpert_settings' for the configured settings
- 'power/axpert{sn}' for the data from the connected inverter (configurable, {sn} is replaced with the serial number of the inverter)
You can then configure the sensors in Home Assistant like this:
- platform: mqtt
name: "Power"
state_topic: "power/axpert"
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalAcOutputActivePower }}"
expire_after: 60
See the following functions in for the values published on each topic:
: get_parallel_datapower/axpert_settings
: get_settingspower/axpert{sn}
: get_data
Add to the addon store repositories and you will get a Axpert Inverter
listed there.
Note that this assumes the inverter is /dev/hidraw0
. If you have other USB to Serial devices connected this might be wrong.
# Build the docker image
docker build --build-arg BUILD_FROM=alpine -t axpert-monitor .
# Run the container
# You will need to edit options.json or add the proper environment variables
docker run \
-dit \
--name axpert-monitor-0 \
--device /dev/hidraw0:/dev/hidraw0 \
-v $(pwd)/options.json:/data/options.json \
-e MQTT_CLIENT_ID=axpert0 \
--restart unless-stopped \
- Two Kodak OG-PLUS6.2 in parallel running on Raspberry Pi 4.
A description of the serial communication protocol can be found in docs/protocol.pdf.
This project was forked from MindFreeze/hassio-axpert after it was deprecated.