This is the code and data for the following project:
Socio-geographical variation in the effects of extreme heat on mortality: a spatial analysis of municipality-level vulnerability across Mexico
Mexico mortality data- Gobierno de Mexico, 1998-2020 downloaded from Example data: Mex_mort_2020
Mexico census data- INEGI, 2010 downloaded from Mex_census_2010.csv
Daily population-weighted temperature for municipalities in Mexico, Daymet V4 and WorldPop data from and Example data: Mex_tmax_2020.csv
Script 1/4: Rgee_zonal_stats_mex.R -processing daily population-weighted temperature estimates
Script 2/4: Data_prep_mortality_temp_all_mex.R -cleaning and combining mortality and temperature data
Script 3/4: Mexico_census_prep.R -cleaning and prepping census data
Script 4/4 Spatial_analysis_mortality_temp_mex.R- spatial analysis