Use this Laravel PHP based repository to understand the cycle time within a Jira project. This is based on status categories within Jira.
Data for all Jira tickets is stored locally, to enable faster evaluations.
This is a CLI based project. The available artisan commands can be listed by php artisan cycletime
Ensure docker is running locally, and then run the following commands.
If you have run the project before, start at step 9
These instructions are assuming you have never run this project previously.
docker compose run --rm php composer install
docker compose run --rm php composer run-script post-root-package-install
- Set up all the needed values in your
file. You will need to get an API key from your Jira account. docker compose up -d pgsql
docker compose run --rm php php artisan migrate
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec php sh
php artisan cycletime:test
php artisan cycletime:issues
php artisan cycletime:calculate
php artisan cycletime:display