Tool from to execute files on a remote comptuer (with admin priviledges) in the context of the running user
owexec v-1.1 USAGE
owexec -c computername -k command [ -p parameters ] [ -u domain\user ] [ -copy ]
[ -nowait ]
-c the computer host name or ip of the target computer
-k the command to be run, relative to the destination
computer. ex: c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe
-p the parameters to pass to the program, optional
-u the user whose context the program should be run in
if ommitted the first user that is found will be used
-copy finds the command referenced with -k on the local
machine and copies it to the comptuer referenced in
-c on the admin$ share then runs it from there
-nowait does not ask to press a key when the program finishes
download the current version at
————– create FindNetUse.bat file ————-
@echo off
REM get net use
net use > c:\%USERNAME%-%COMPUTERNAME%-NetUse.txt”
copy c:\%USERNAME%-%COMPUTERNAME%-NetUse.txt j:\share\
run the owexec command with -copy parameter:
owexec -nowait -k “NetUseRemoteBatch.bat” -copy -c “PC123″