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This repository contains a collection of bootloaders written by me in Assembly, for learning more about BIOS, bootloaders, and the Assembly language itself.


For building stuff, you will need an assembler, such as NASM. Optionally, you can also install make and qemu for easier building and running.

The Makefile way

If you just want to quickly check out a bootloader, you can use make to build and run it. For example, to build the hello_world.asm code, simply run:

make hello_world.asm

That will build the bootloader with NASM and run it in QEMU.

If you want to build all of the files in the src directory, you can run make or make all.

The manual way

If you want to build a bootloader manually, do it the way your assembler does it. With NASM, you can build the hello_world.asm file by executing:

nasm -f bin -o bootloader.bin src/hello_world.asm

Then, you can run it in QEMU by putting the command below in your terminal:

qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=bootloader.bin


All pieces of code on this repo is released into the public domain. Do what you want with it, as long as you don't hold me responsible for anything that happens!

In case you really want to dive into the details, the license is available in the LICENSE file.


If you see any errors within the code or in the README itself, feel free to open an issue. Since this is a repository for my personal learning, I'm not looking for any pull requests adding new code, but I'm always open to suggestions and corrections.