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Suits all your needs to handle frontend users like register new users, edit data and change password.
So whats already in there?
- creating frontend user
- send notification to user and admin
- activate via link in email by user or admin
- notification email after activation
- configure email addresses for user and admin mails separately
- set different usergroup pre and post activation
- general terms and conditions acception as checkbox
- old password verification before setting new password
- password strength indicator without need of any js lib
- email/password repeat validation
- profilimage upload, remove and edit with plain or encrypted filename
- country as selectbox (values from static_info_tables)
- country zone as selectbox (values from static_info_tables)
- country zone change with ajax if country selectbox changed
- language as selectbox (values from static_info_tables)
- gender as radiobox
- title as textbox and selectbox
- pseudonym
- timezone as selectbox
- daylight saving as checkbox
- privacy agreement as checkbox
- salutation as radiobuttons and selectbox
- birthdate as selectboxes
- captcha with integration of existing captcha extensions
- configuration email as username
- custom validators
- user model
- captcha
- required
- repeat
- custom viewhelpers
- required
- captcha
- static info tables selectboxes
- edit frontend user
- change password
- different template file for every form, preview, save and email view, configurable so they do not need to stay in extension
- override template rootpath in plugin
- realurl settings preconfigured for controller, actions and mailhash
If all that is already in, what is missing?
- complete documentation
- ajax handling
- javascript validators in jquery, extjs you name it
- add interface for user model to enable other extension to extend the model (still needs changes to extbase)
- better extendability of frontend user model, well this needs some love in extbase
- multistep creation and editing
How could you help?
- file issues about bugs and if you already have a solution send the patch in
- sponsor features you are in need of