As first-quarter MSBA students at UC Davis, @beccadriever, @ngojacqueleine, and @sridharramanujam decided that for our Data Visualization final project we wanted to use visualizations and a predictive model to examine our own music tastes and create a playlist all of us would enjoy.
We got the data through the Spotify API (shoutout Spotify for allowing this kind of access!!)
This repository contains the Python code used to get the data, develop the model, and do some visualizations. You can also check out my Tableau profile (rebecca.driever) to see the interactive dashboard we created. Run the files in this order:
- Spotify_Model.ipynb (each individual must run separately)
- group_predictions.ipynb
- Spotify_EDA.ipynb
- Spotify_Color_of_Playlists.ipynb
Feel free to download everything and create a playlist for you and your friends!
See the video below that we created and submitted as our final work product: