My opinionated Nix system and module files (may contain traces of pkgs and overlays).
Everything is split up in separate flake-parts. Why? I have no clue.
├── apps # Any apps I've used. I think this is empty.
├── lib # Usually functions I share between flakes or modules are put here.
├── modules # Modules are split up in their respective directories. Depending on the host, the correct ones will be imported.
│ ├── darwin # Darwin modules; only OSX hosts will import these.
│ ├── home # Home manager modules; all home manager users will import these.
│ ├── nixos # NixOS modules; only NixOS hosts will import these.
│ └── shared # Shared modules; all hosts will import these on root config level.
├── overlays # I generally do not like using overlays.
│ └── pkgs # Just overlays the local pkgs in /pkgs/ onto the pkgs attribute.
├── pkgs # Packages I use or require without wanting to make a nixpkgs pr.
└── systems # All systems are listed here.
├── dissension
└── solaris