NINo (Nanoservice Infrastructure Notation) aims to support services constructed around Functions as a Service with little configuration
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Design Documentation
0 Software Goals
1 Overall Package Diagram
2 Package Descriptions
2.0 nino-manager This package will take inputs from the command line or other interface, along with one or more files, creates a model of available resources and expected outputs, and then passes required data to an exporter matching its configuration.
edu.jhuapl.nino.manager control NinoManager properties uiManager - UiManager methods public static void main(String[] args) - this is the main entrance point for execution of NINo public void processState () - This method will take the NinoState object from this classes UiManager instance and updates the state of various NINo components. properties NinoUiManager ninoUiManager NinoExporter[] ninoExporters NinoGenerator[] ninoGenerators functions public static void main(String[] args) public void processNinoState()
2.1 nino-UI This package will be the base package that contains all interfaces for required objects and classes related to interactions with users.
edu.jhuapl.nino.ui.view UiManager properties state - NinoState
2.1.0 nino-desktop-app This package will host all functionality to provide interfaces for interactions with users. The graphical user interface that it provides will allow users to determine what the collection of functions that will be deployed, how other components can communicate with these functions, and the target deployment environment
2.1.1 nino-cli This package will be a minimal interface that a user can configure NINo. It will work like nino-desktop-app, but with all interactions from the command line.
2.2 nino-model
This package will hold all common objects that will be shared between NINo’s various packages.
processing - boolean - indicates if the state of NINo is still in the middle of processing
functions - List of NinoFunction objects - the metadata about the functions that will be employed to execute
ingressNetworking - Object
egressNetworking - Object
requiredAvailableServices - String List - a list of the required services for this functionality
externalFileReferences - String List - an list of any required files, such as configuration files, pip conf files, etc.
environmentVariables - Map - the key value Map that will assign the appropriate scoped environment variables
templateVariables - Map - the key value Map that will be used to template in values into any code templates
credentials - NinoCredentials - any credentials needed to connect to required services
inputComms - Comms - enumeration of communication types, which will be associated with input
outputComms - Comms - enumeration of communication types, which will be associated with output
processingCode - String - code that will be used as opposed to generated code
minInstance - int - minimum number of instances that allow horizontal scaling
maxInstance - int - maximum number of instances that allow horizontal scaling
cpuMinInstance - int - minimum number of cpu cores that allow horizontal scaling
cpuMaxInstance - int - maximum number of cpu cores that allow horizontal scaling
library_name - String - the name of the library to retrieve the function from
library_version - String - the version of the library to retrieve the function from
namespace - String - the namespace within the library
function - String - the name of the function within the library
external_signature - NinoExternalSignature - the object that represents the external signature of the function
inputArgumentConversionType - ConversionType - the enumeration of the types of conversion strategies that will be applied to available data (input, calculated and constant values)
inputArgumentMappingCode - String - if present represents the code that will be placed into the wrapper code for the given function
package - signature
NinoExternalSignature - Abstract class - that represents the various types of external signatures for different systems, such as DB
NinoDbExternalSignature -
db - String - the name of the database that will hold input to this function
table - String - the name of the table that will hold input to this function
NinoMessageQueueExternalSignature -
topicName - String - the name of the message queue topic that the capability will subscribe to
NinoRestApiExternalSignature -
port - int - the integer representing the non-canonical port that will be exposed for the use of the
method - String - the name of the table that will hold the results of the processing
path - String - the part of the complete url used after the host and port. Note that if the method is GET, then each argument to the method will be exposed as a query variable
credentials - NinoCredentials - Interface with implementations for UsernamePassword, SSHKey, etc.
name - String - Name of the type of credential system
NinoUsernamePasswordCredentials - implements NinoCredentials
username - String - the username used to connect to any services
password - String - the password used to connect to any services
NinoSSHKeyCredentials - implements NinoCredentials
sshKey - String - the text of the public ssh key
2.3 nino-input-parser
This package provides the logic for taking input, initially as file, and parsing it into a NINo model of the configuration of everything required to produce a deployment file for an environment such as AWS.
2.4 nino-exporters This package will be the base package that contains all interfaces for required objects and classes related to exporting a file to be used in the deployment environment. edu.jhuapl.nino.exporter
NinoExporter - the interface that all code/artifact exporters will implement
void export(NinoState ninoState);
2.4.0 nino-aws-lambda This package will contain the logic required to export a file to be used in the AWS Lambda deployment environment.
2.4.1 nino-google-functions This package will contain the logic required to export a file to be used in the Google Functions deployment environment.
2.4.2 nino-docker This package will contain the logic required to export a file to be used in generating a dockerfile and any required components.
2.4.3 nino-open-faas This package will contain the logic required to export a file to be used in the deploying one or more functions to an OpenFAAS server.
2.4.4 nino-kube This package will contain the logic required to export a file to be used in the deploying one or more functions to a Kubernetes cluster as docker containers as part of a Helm chart.
2.5 nino-generator This is the base package that all output code generators will be based upon. It includes all common objects and interface classes for all generator packages. edu.jhuapl.nino.generator.control
NinoGenerator - the interface that all code/artifact generators will implement
void generate(NinoState ninoState);
2.5.0 nino-generator-java This package will hold all logic for creating to take a configuration for a service all code and Java-specific artifacts.
2.5.1 nino-generator-python This package will hold all logic for creating to take a configuration for a service all code and Python-specific artifacts.
2.6 nino-plugins This package will be the base package for all plugins for NINo that will can be developed external to the NINo code base, as long as specific interfaces and common object models are followed.
3 Class Model Design
4 Class Interface Design