Websocketfiles provides two well designed and out of box websocket c++ classes that you can easily use in your ongoing project which needs to support websocket.
The purpose of this project is to let you add websocket support in your c++ project as quickly/efficient as possible.The websocketfiles is designed as simple as possible and no network transport module included. It exports two network interfaces named from_wire/to_wire that can be easily binding with any network modules(Boost.Asio, libuv, libevent and so on).
An asynchronous websocket server using libuv is provided to demostrate how to use websocketfiles in a C++ project.
- Only two out of box and light weighted websocket c++ classes(1000+ lines of C++98 code). It is well designed and tested and easily to merge into your ongoing c++ project(or some old c++ projects).
- Support RFC6455
- No network transport modules included. As people may have different network transport modules in their projects, websocketfiles only fouces on packing/unpacking websocket packet.
- Multi-platform support(linux/windows)
- Fully traced websocket message flow. A fully tracing infomation of websocket message helps you know websocketfiles code rapidly and expand funcions easily.
- Class WebsocketPacket: a websocket packet class
- Class WebsocketEndpoint: a websocket server/client wrapper class
- Class strHelper: a string operation class for parsing websocket handshake message
- Class ByteBuffer: a simple buffer class base on vector
- File sha1.cpp and base64.cpp: SHA1 and base64 encode/decode functions for masking/unmasking data
- File main.cpp: provide an asynchronous websocket server demonstration using libuv as netork transport.
- Folder src: source file(websocketfiles source code)
- Folder include: libuv include files(only for demo)
- Folder lib: libuv so file(only for demo)
- Copy all files except main.cpp from src folder to your project folder.
- Modify function WebSocketEndpoint::from_wire/to_wire and combine it with your network transport read/write function.The connections between modules may look like below:
cd websocketfiles
Attention: The asynchronous demo wsfiles_server_uv only uses an event thread and a single working thread(based on libuv). If you want to increase the number of working thread more than 1 (default value is 1), you can modify UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE value. The most important thing is that you must add some protection codes in main.cpp to make sure some variables are thread safe in multi-working-thread situation.
Start wsfiles_server_uv, and we get tracing messages on console:
set thread pool size:1
peer (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, 11464) connected
handshake element k:Host v: yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:9050
handshake element k:Connection v:Upgrade
handshake element k:Pragma v:no-cache
handshake element k:Cache-Control v:no-cache
handshake element k:User-Agent v:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
handshake element k:Upgrade v:websocket
handshake element k:Origin v:http://www.bejson.com
handshake element k:Sec-WebSocket-Version v:13
handshake element k:Accept-Encoding v:gzip, deflate
handshake element k:Accept-Language v:zh-CN,zh;q=0.9
handshake element k:Sec-WebSocket-Key v:lEecdWuXh4ekgX/oWBSc8A==
handshake element k:Sec-WebSocket-Extensions v:permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits
WebsocketEndpont - handshake successful!
WebSocketPacket: received data with header size: 6 payload size:28 input oft size:34
WebSocketEndpoint - recv a Text opcode.
WebSocketEndpoint - received data, length:28 ,content:first websocket test message
WebSocketPacket: send data with header size: 2 payload size:28
After a successful websocket handshake, the demo server will return the message that you send to it. It is easily to change response message by modifying function WebSocketEndpoint::process_message_data.
switch (packet.get_opcode())
case WebSocketPacket::WSOpcode_Continue:
// add your process code here
std::cout << "WebSocketEndpoint - recv a Continue opcode." << std::endl;
user_defined_process(packet, frame_payload);
case WebSocketPacket::WSOpcode_Text:
// add your process code here
std::cout << "WebSocketEndpoint - recv a Text opcode." << std::endl;
user_defined_process(packet, frame_payload);
case WebSocketPacket::WSOpcode_Binary:
// add your process code here
std::cout << "WebSocketEndpoint - recv a Binary opcode." << std::endl;
user_defined_process(packet, frame_payload);
1.Add more demos to illustrate how to use websocketfiles with Boot.Asio and libevent.
2.Support TLS.