Meta (name pending), is a small script that adds a package loader for lua. Instead of just loading files (for both pure lua and LÖVE), it also does a few string substitutions to allow for extra syntax.
###Extra syntax###
--New syntax -- old syntax
a += b -- a = a + b
a -= b -- a = a - b
a *= b -- a = a * b
a /= b -- a = a / b
a ^= b -- a = a ^ b
a %= b -- a = a % b
a &&= b -- a = a and b
a ||= b -- a = a or b
a++ -- a = a + 1
a-- -- a = a - 1
meta.lua is the actual script, and main.lua and game.lua are an example for LÖVE.
Then you can use require to load m.lua files, so in the example:
--for game.lua
--and for game.m.lua, still
Note that normal lua files take precedence over m.lua files.