my personal setup for arch linux featuring the nord color scheme, bspwm, picom, polybar, and more!
Component | Software |
Display server | Xorg |
Window manager | bspwm |
Compositor | picom |
Bar | polybar |
Application launcher | rofi |
Notification daemon | dunst |
Lock screen | betterlockscreen |
GTK 2/3 and icons theme | Archcraft Nordic |
GTK 4 theme | Nordic |
Font | Ubuntu |
Cursor | Breeze snow |
Screenshot tool | Flameshot (uploaded to a ShareS server) |
Terminal | kitty |
Shell | Z shell |
All packages are in the official Arch repositories or the Arch User Repository as named unless otherwise linked
Package / File | Dependents |
.config/bspwm/autostart |
.config/picom/opacity-rules |
.config/polybar/colors |
.config/polybar/package-updates |
.config/rofi/themes/rounded-nord-dark.rasi |
.config/rofi/symbols.txt |
.config/shareS/shareS.conf |
.config/shareS/urls |
.local/bin/histfix |
.local/bin/rofi-power-menu |
.local/bin/rofi-unicode-menu |
.local/bin/shareS |
.local/bin/winmask |
.local/share/background.png |
archcraft-gtk-theme-nordic (add EliverLara/Nordic/gtk-4.0 to /usr/share/themes/Nordic for GTK 4 support) |
archcraft-icons-nordic |
betterlockscreen |
breeze-snow-cursor-theme |
bspwm |
dunst |
feh |
flameshot |
gnome-keyring |
gtk2 |
gtk3 |
gtk4 |
hyfetch |
kitty |
ksuperkey |
networkmanager (or, more preferrably, networkmanager-iwd ) |
networkmanager-dmenu-git |
numlockx |
paru |
picom |
pipewire-pulse (enable the pipewire-pulse.service systemd user unit) |
polkit-gnome |
polybar |
polybar-spotify-module (enable the spotify-listener.service systemd user unit) |
qt4 (not required or recommended to install unless necesary, but dependents are recommended regardless) |
qt5-styleplugins |
qt6gtk2 |
rofi |
rofimoji |
spotify |
sxhkd |
ttf-ubuntu-font-family |
ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd |
ttf-ubuntu-nerd |
xclip |
xdg-desktop-portal |
xdg-desktop-portal-kde |
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk |
xdotool |
zsh |
zsh-syntax-highlighting |
None (for now)!
All packages are in the official Arch repositories or the Arch User Repository as named unless otherwise linked
: GTK-based directory tree analyzerblueman
: GTK-based Bluetooth managerbluez-tools
: CLI tools for Bluetooth management
: Open source build of Visual Studio Code (vscode) editorcode-features
: Unblocks some features incode
: Enables the marketplace incode
- Nord theme for Visual Studio Code
: GTK-based calculatorgtk2fontsel
: GTK-based font preview toollightdm
: Display manager. Warning: can break sometimesaccountsservice
: D-Bus interface for user account query and manipulation. Can be used bylightdm
to gather information such as profile picture, etc.nody-greeter
: LightDM Greeter made with Electron.js and node-gtk that allows to create web based themes with HTMl, CSS and JavaScript- Nord theme color patch for the default gruvbox theme
: GTK-based theme, font, icon, cursor, etc. switchermkinitcpio-colors-git
: mkinitcpio hook to set VT console colors (such as to Nord colors) during early userspacenm-connection-editor
: GTK-based NetworkManager connection editornoto-fonts
: Google Noto TTF fonts, provides a base font setnoto-fonts-cjk
: Google Noto Chinese-Japanese-Korean TTF fonts
: Low-latency audio/video router and processor, better than PulseAudio. This package is for Pipewire clients specificallyeasyeffects
: GTK-based utility which provides a large array of audio effects and filters to individual application output streams and microphone input streamspavucontrol
: GTK-based PulseAudio volume control, for use withpipewire-pulse
: Pipewire for ALSA clientspipewire-jack
: Pipewire for JACK clients
: GTK-based application for managinggnome-keyring
, PGP keys, and SSH keysspicetify-cli
: Command-line tool to customize Spotify clientspicetify-themes-git
: Contains the Dribbblish theme and nord-dark color scheme
: GTK-based file managerffmpegthumbnailer
: Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used bythunar
: Provides trash support, mounting removable media, and remote filesystems inthunar
: MTP backend forgvfs
: Allows you to create and extract archive files using contextual menu items inthunar
: Allows you to view and editdetailed information about media files inthunar
: Generates thumbnails that can be used bythunar
: Provides the Twitter emoji set, the best emoji setviewnior
: Simple, fast and elegant GTK-based image viewer programxarchiver
: GTK-based frontend to various command line archivers