Releases: bappogroup/bappo-scripts
Releases · bappogroup/bappo-scripts
1.0.0 (2020-03-19)
Bug Fixes
- do not attempt to lint ts files (3b04df6)
- only run build script if it exists (915a775)
- prettier config line endings (#101) (d3ec74a)
- run build on release machine (95cbf0a)
- travis-deploy-once only needs to run for releases (ab38c66)
- Update all dependencies (#112) (3a73764)
- babel: fix ignore glob (7bc29e4)
- babel: fix the babel plugin (d79103c)
- babel: I really should test things (81f4e0f)
- babel: set the target for babel env config (6d2896f)
- babel: swap default (70a3434)
- build: filter out --no-clean flag (418f55f), closes #107
- build: remove the ignored-but-copied files from the built output (17354e6)
- update eslint-config-kentcdodds (fb67b05)
- babel: allow for preserving build env (3d4b174)
- build: validate was messed up (9ea1bda)
- config: Ensure env var BUILD_FILENAME_PREFIX is respected (#18) (e9b1d5f)
- config: Use named bin in lintstagedrc.js (#3) (78d450c)
- contributors: bump version (b496e22)
- deps: bump all deps (c9faf55)
- deps: upgrade all deps (256eed4)
- eslint: look for correct config in package.json (a5dc21a)
- format: default should not be quoted I guess (39513ae)
- format: make sure the prettierignore is applied on precommit (638a28a)
- jest: Add testURL property (#53) (e458429)
- jest: make jest transform apply only when no babel config (18bf75a)
- jest: use jsdom with react and any dep (7456c6d)
- preact: Fixed issue with preact dir being cleaned AFTER it got built (#48) (a4d4738)
- precommit: add README after doctoc update (33aebbe)
- precommit: prevent multiple linters running at once (f3edba9)
- prettier: jsxBraketSameLine -> jsxBracketSameLine (64f4e80)
- prettier: support prettier.config.js (c329333)
- resolveBin: use fs.realpathSync (48f42a0)
- resolveBin: windows will resolve to .cmd binaries if available (#8) (#88) (0c74481)
- rollup: add sourcemap for umd builds (d710a4d)
- rollup: expose rollup on config (3b574d6)
- rollup: fix predicate function for empty external lists (#37) (0b17adf)
- rollup: fix the node building feature (cd255a9)
- rollup: make it not break when there are no peerDependencies (169ba3b)
- rollup: properly handle no externals (#84) (29360e0)
- rollup: remove experimentalCodeSplitting from config (#82) (61e9452)
- rollup: use preact dir instead of pkg (b3ff882)
- semantic-release: actually update semantic-release (5623699)
- tests: scope to src directory only (00aa365)
- travis: get more insight into what is going on (03ad7bf)
- a few things I can't remember... (a8c2cd1)
- bump versions (7257644)
- correctly identify if one of many dependencies is specified (#13) (2d2a1b0)
- default external should include regular deps (#58) (5418949)
- include markdown files in autoformat (59d1ec3)
- remove console statement (6679460)
- treat imported subdirectories/files from packages as external too (#36) (384ddbe)
- update pragma for preact build (#51) (b1ee9f8)
- precommit: support lint-staged --config CLI flag (#31) (18730c0), closes #24
- rollup: deal with deprecation warnings (709c49d)
- travis: scope npx modules (42d66d7)
- travis-after-success: only run necessary scripts (d827649)
- tsx: format tsx files (#39) (7d4e3b1)
- remove CodeSponsor ([kentcdodds#27](