👐 I'm Rich Baguley
🏢 I work @Ministry of Justice as a Principal Technical Architect across the Data Platform service area including Analytical Platform
- bagg3rs/dns-as-code - This repository contains the code to manage my own DNS records on CloudFlare
- bagg3rs/github-playbook - Used to test and collect all things github
- bagg3rs/team-api - Team-API using Swagger and GitHub pages
- bagg3rs/github-blocks - Trying out GitHub Blocks
- bagg3rs/github-visualisation - Used to create a visualisation of commits from GitHub to repositories
- ministryofjustice/analytical-platform - Analytical Platform • This repository is defined and managed in Terraform (2 months ago)
- ministryofjustice/technical-architecture - Documentation for how we do Technical Architecture at the Ministry of Justice (3 months ago)
- bagg3rs/github-playbook - Used to test and collect all things github (3 months ago)
- bagg3rs/team-api - Team-API using Swagger and GitHub pages (3 months ago)
- bagg3rs/traefik - traefik repo (6 months ago)
- bagg3rs/diagrams-as-code - Diagrams as Code repository (6 months ago)
- moj-analytical-services/user-guidance - User guidance for the MoJ Analytical Platform (6 months ago)
- bagg3rs/richardbaguley.com - richardbaguley.com (8 months ago)
- ministryofjustice/acronyms - List of abbreviations used within the MoJ, and their definitions. (10 months ago)
- mandarons/icloud-docker - Dockerized iCloud Client - make a local copy of your iCloud documents and photos, and keep it automatically up-to-date. (2 weeks ago)
- ClickHouse/ClickHouse - ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics database management system (3 weeks ago)
- moj-analytical-services/data-and-analytics-engineering-tech-radar - Visualizing our technology choices (3 weeks ago)
- dannysteenman/aws-toolbox - This repository contains a collection of awesome tools and scripts for Developers and Engineers seeking to automate routine tasks on AWS Cloud. (1 month ago)
- penpot/penpot - Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration (1 month ago)