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Murglar plugins

Murglar supports plugins, that add support for the new music services, cloud drives, FTPs and other audio content sources.

Every plugin consists of 2 parts:

  • core part - plugin implementation, that can be bundled to *.jar (for use in pure java env like desktop app/telegram bot/etc)
  • android part - apk, that bundles core part for use with Murglar on Android

This repo contains following parts of the plugins system:

Gradle plugins configure the buildscripts for you (add required repositories, plugins and dependencies, set jar/apk metadata, apk signing, r8, artifacts naming and other), so you don't have to worry about the bundling and configuring the environment - just write the integration code.


Since the plugin code is loaded into the class-loader and then executed by the host application, we have to make sure that the versions match.

Versioning of the murglar-plugins and plugins itself consists of 2 parts - <major>.<minor>:

  • Major part increments by us if any binary breaking changes have been made and host app with the new major version can't load the plugin with the old major version. Plugin itself can't define/choose the major version, it's extracted from the Murglar plugins API and depends on its version.
  • Minor part is the actual version of the plugin system (incremented by us) or plugin itself (incremented by the plugin author) when new features are added and no new breaking changes are presented.

So for the correct plugins execution their authors must depend on the latest version of this repo, at least on the major part.


Replace all the following <plugin_name> parts with the actual name of your plugin/service.

  1. Install JDK 17 (if not installed).

  2. Create gradle project with 2 modules:

    • <plugin_name>-core
    • <plugin_name>-android
  3. Add to the root settings.gradle.kts:

    pluginManagement {
        repositories {
            gradlePluginPortal()                                        // for kotlin gradle plugins
            google()                                                    // for android gradle plugin
            maven { url ="") }   // for murglar gradle plugins 
        resolutionStrategy {
            eachPlugin {
                // workaround for requesting gradle plugins from plain maven repository (jitpack)
                // with `plugins {...}` block syntax
                val prefix = "murglar-gradle-plugin-"
                if ( {
                    val artifactId = "${}-plugin-gradle-plugin"
  4. Add to the build.gradle.kts of the <plugin_name>-core module:

    plugins {
        id("murglar-gradle-plugin-core") version "<latest_version>"       // fix this to actual version
    murglarPlugin {
        id = "sample"                                                     // your plugin id
        name = "Sample"                                                   // your plugin human-readable name (in English)
        version = "1"                                                     // plugin version (minor)
        murglarClass = "com.badmanners.murglar.lib.sample.SampleMurglar"  // entry point - Murglar implementation class
    dependencies {
        // Custom dependencies, if required.
        // Core plugin provides by default:
        // - kotlin-stdlib
        // - kotlin-test
        // - kotlinx-serialization-json
        // - threetenbp - java 8 time backport
        // - apache commons-text
  5. Add to the build.gradle.kts of the <plugin_name>-android module:

    plugins {
        id("murglar-gradle-plugin-android") version "<latest_version>"  // fix this to actual version
    murglarAndroidPlugin {
        id = "sample"
        name = "Sample"
        version = 1
        murglarClass = "com.badmanners.murglar.lib.sample.SampleMurglar"
    dependencies {
        implementation(project(":<plugin_name>-core"))  // fix this to your 'core' project name

Android module additional requirements:

  1. Install Android SDK (if not installed).
  2. Create a copy of the with the name and place it at the root of your project.
  3. Place your keystore.jks with the android signing keys at the root of your project (or set the absolute path to the keystore in the If you don't have one - generate it.
  4. Fix SDK path/keystore path/alias/passwords in the


  1. Write your plugin integration code in the <plugin_name>-core module by implementing Murglar, LoginResolver and NodeResolver interfaces.
  2. Complete <plugin_name>-android module with:
    • 24dp vector icon of the service in the <plugin_name>-android/src/main/res/drawable/icon.xml
    • AndroidManifest.xml in the <plugin_name>-android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml - can be empty (with only <manifest/> tag) if your plugin doesn't support http/deeplinks or contain intent-filters otherwise:
    <manifest xmlns:android="">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                    <data android:scheme="https" />
                    <data android:host="" />
                    <data android:host="" />
                    <data android:pathPattern="/artist/.*" />
                    <data android:pathPattern="/album/.*" />
                    <data android:pathPattern="/playlist/.*" />
                    <data android:pathPattern="/track/.*" />
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                    <data android:scheme="https" />
                    <data android:host="" />
                    <data android:pathPrefix="/" />
  3. Run ./gradlew clean build.
  4. Grab your plugins:
    • JAR - <plugin_name>-core/build/libs/murglar-plugin-<plugin_name>-<version>.jar
    • APK - <plugin_name>-android/build/outputs/apk/release/murglar-plugin-<plugin_name>-<version>.apk


For complete sample and explanation see murglar-plugin-sample.


APIs and Gradle plugins for developing Murglar plugins.



