A project to create a new cross-platform SSH wheel for Python.
- An easy to install, multi-platform SSH wheel
- Personal learning about Go
- To explore
- To explore Python packaging & compiling. What can we do with available open source tooling?
- To explore performance characteristics
- Respect and give kudos to all the work that's come before.
It is paramount that we all play nicely. To that end, please do your very best not to create churn or spur conversations that may upset other developers, and/or cause debate without offerinig solutions.
The following steps should produce a wheel,
located at dist/ohpygossh-0.0.10-py3-none-any.whl
This project has to think about components in two different contexts.
To distinguish the two, use the following names:
- The Python module is imported as
. - The Golang package is used as
NOTE: Currently, the pyproject.toml
in this project is named for the
Golang package. This may need to change as the project matures.
As a Python user:
- Install the library, with
pip install ohpygossh
- Import functions and data structures, with
from ohpygossh.gohpygossh import ...
Based on: https://last9.io/blog/using-golang-package-in-python-using-gopy/
Learn Go:
- https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/go/
- https://gist.github.com/prologic/5f6afe9c1b98016ca278f4d507e65510
- Figure out if generaetd folder (
ls -la ohpygossh/
) should be kept in git.