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How to install WindowBuilder

Eclipse - Install new software WindowBuilder Engine + Swing Right click on class - > open with window builder

Basic packages explanation:

Client package - All client source code -App : The main client code that launches -Client : The very first screen (initial config)

Controllers package - All controllers

  • AbstractController - will be needed later for server communication
  • ClientController - controls the initial config screen
  • GoHome - Controls the main window creation
  • LoginController - controls the login screen
  • MainWindowController - controls the main window

GUI package

  • ClientGUI
  • LoginGUI
  • MainWindowGUI

Models - "Abstract" classes - all inherit from AbstractModel - used for sending objects to and from the server

  • AbstractModel - to send Objects to server we need Serializable
  • ClientModel - host and port config
  • LoginModel - username and password config
  • User - User class

===================================== ActionListeners logic:

The action liseners will have a funtion at the gui such as:

public void addLoginActionListener(ActionListener e) { buttonLogin.addActionListener(e); }

Which will be used in the controller, class, such as: loginG.addLoginActionListener(new LoginListener()); The class LoginListener is defined in the controller and implements ActionListener. This way there is no mess at the GUI class and all the logic is in the controller class.

============================= Example of login procedure:

  1. Login GUI
  2. LoginController
  3. LoginListener button for the "Login button"
  4. Once the Login button is clicked: Basic validation (Non empty fields)
  5. Envelope creation (message to server)
  6. send Envelope to server using sendToServer from AbstractController(which implements ObservableClient [OCSF] method)
  7. Server gets the message and handles it via handleMessageFromClient in EchoServer
  8. Send response to client via sendToClient
  9. Client catches response via handleMessageFromServer

============================= Important notes and shortcuts

Use refactoring instead of renaming : Alt+Shift+R

Use CTRL+SHIFT+P to find matching bracket

Use //TODO to add a flag of tood in eclipse

To make a GUI window open at the center of the screen - use frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);

Resultset is not Serializable! Therefore if we fetch data from SQL we must first convert it to a Serializable data structure in order to be able to send it over the network

The Client class has a currentController attribute, which can be accessed by App.client.get/setCurrentController Important: Before sending any message to the Server, set the currentController to the appropriate one, for example in ReadWorkerController - set it to App.client.setCurrentController(getReadWorkerController());


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