DomainDLRS is a hierarchical, generative probabilistic model containing three levels corresponding to species, genes, and domains, respectively. It simultanously reconstructs the domain and gene evlulitonay histories in the light of a given species tree. It is implemented in Java. It takes a dated species tree together with a multiple sequence alignment for each domain family as input and outputs an estimated posterior distribution over reconciled gene and domain trees.
#! /bin/bash
java -jar domainDLRS.jar -p <ParameterFile>
- Efficient Java Matrix Library (EJML)
- Commons Math: The Apache Commons Mathematics Library
- Java Evolutionary Biology Library
- MersenneTwisterRNG Random Number Generator from Uncommons Maths
Sayyed Auwn Muhammad, Bengt Sennblad, and Jens Lagergren. Species tree aware simultaneous reconstruction of gene and domain evolution., 2018.